Recent content by Aniki

  1. A

    Fallout 4 review roundup #2

    Does metacritic take NMA reviews into account? If so then please give the game a 4 out of 10 or something.
  2. A

    First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

    Metro did nothing expect increase damage enemies do a.k.a artificial difficulty. So ammo is scarce, but you do more damage to compensate that. Big whoop. Other than that it didn't do anything else. But if that's enough to bring a 'sense of realism' in game where enemies can't see even when...
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    Subm. Dragon Age: Origins

    And here I thought it was - a great story with a rich world along with party based real time with pause. I guess my expectations were just higher than others.
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    First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

    Artificial difficulty such as in Fallout 4 exists pretty much in every game out there (with variations of course). Every FPS game out there, then your Mass Effects, Dragon Ages, even Fallout 2, Fallout: Tactics and so much more had those. DOOM 3's nightmare mode had your health decrease to 25 on...
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    First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

    The question is not why I'm defending it, but why are you are you so insistent on hating the mode? With every post you always make up some bullshit reason to justify your hate. First it's the instakills, then the there are no other criticals, not to mention your claim that you need to use drugs...
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    First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

    There are also Sneak critical or have you forgotten? And whatever your reasons of not using VATS are your own, but if you decided to play on a hardest difficulty and not use everything the game offers you to make the fights easier, then please, don't bitch about how enemies are hard to kill...
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    First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

    There's always another story, item or adventure just over a horizon? Oh, I bet he loves radiant quests.
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    First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

    In Fallout 4 the Deathclaw already showed behaviors which previous titles didn't, like running all four at you then grabbing and shoving his claw at you, not to mention he could hit the ground knocking everything away from it. Don't make it sound like 'walking into walls' is the only thing he...
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    First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

    Well it seemed like it, but to me on survival mode PA is a necessity rather than a "power fantasy" toy, but it would feel even more so if fusion cores weren't so easy to get.
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    First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

    That first Deathclaw is supposed to be strong since you fight it early on in the game (the skull next to it's name is good hint to), but if you just used psycho + psychobuff combo in that combat and it wouldn't be to hard killing the thing. I did that and I had about +500 rounds left after the...
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    First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

    I really don't where this whole bullet-sponge nonsense is coming from. Just yesterday I got attacked by my first legendary Deathclaw and I killed him in 5 shots (1 was a VATS critical) using my double-barrel shotgun with a med x + psycho and psychojet combo. So far I haven't encountered much...
  12. A

    So what lore has Bethesda done gone fucked up?

    Fallout Bible was compiled by Chris himself to give a more info on Fallout universe to the fans and even shared more details about Fallouts development. All that was back in 2002 when Bethesda didn't owned the IP yet. Denying that it's canon from the person who was responsible for creating Myron...
  13. A

    First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

    Logic - why bother with it, have a gun that shoots mini nukes instead.
  14. A

    What was your first RPG?

    Read again Torront, read again.
  15. A

    Fallout 4's first beta patch is out

    The only problem here is your shitty PC, not the game. As if you needed other weapons anyways The issue here is that people are too stupid to finish one simple goddamn quest. And that's a bad thing? Immersion people. Get your shit straight. That's not an issue, that's a hidden quest.