Recent content by Baba Jaga

  1. B

    Fallout inspired photography and photomanipulation

    I'm not here to argue...but do check the pictures in F3's Pipboy for various raider headgear and it's going to be there...
  2. B

    Fallout inspired photography and photomanipulation

    Heeey, there are gas masks in Fallout, raiders wear them sometimes. :P
  3. B

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Aaah, you know, kids tease about the house being on chicken legs, I throw them an evil's good, it's good ;) Thanks for the welcome. I have some experience being a rare female gamer on gaming forums so I think I'll manage to ignore requests just fine, thanks for the tip :)
  4. B

    Fallout inspired photography and photomanipulation

    Textures were necessary due to poor lighting on those days, it made all the colours very dull and shadow-less. I'm a bit anal about lighting like that. If it's not perfect, I'm not happy. And so, I resorted to textures to turn photos into photomanipulations. And yes, I guess there is a lot of...
  5. B

    Fallout inspired photography and photomanipulation

    That's right! I find songs/titles I'm listening to, to be a good source of inspiration as well. After a couple of hours of filtering photos, trying to get to an end result, it's hard to come up with a name, so a lot of song titles on my playlist are titles for my work as well.
  6. B

    Fallout inspired photography and photomanipulation

    <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="450" flashvars="id=98600320&width=1337" height="390" allowscriptaccess="always"></embed> The Human Abstract by =Eternal-aphelion on deviantART <embed...
  7. B

    How Many Hours Have You Put In?

    I can't begin to imagine. I've finished the game about 10 times by now and each time I attempted to finish every quest to its fullest, get to every place, explore every lot of hours, more than I care to count for my own sake, I think.
  8. B

    Which is the best-looking Power Armor?

    Tesla power armour all the way. Sexy.
  9. B

    Post-Apocalyptic books

    I'm keen on "Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After The Bomb" by Philip K. Dick.
  10. B

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    My husband got his hands on early fallout games some years ago and by the time Fallout 3 came out, I was hooked.
  11. B

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Still playing Fallout 3, but besides that, started Army Of Two again. I missed that game. Also plowing through the Gears Of War.
  12. B

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hey hey. Here's a 23-year-old woman still obsessing over Fallout. (I moved half way across Europe and this is what I do with my days???) This looked like a decently active place and since Fallout has taken away my socializing privileges years ago, I thought to put an end to it and venture out...