Recent content by BairdEC

  1. B

    college sucks and this is why

    It really depends on what you go to school for. Guys that get engineering, hard science, or math degrees tend to do better than the ones who want a degree in women's studies or try to roll their own degree for transgender Portuguese poetry. There is a significant indoctrination effort in a lot...
  2. B

    "Fallout 4 Settlements are the series' best RPG system."

    I'm not going to knock him for having fun with the system, but that ain't what does it for me.
  3. B

    Very complex simulation/management games

    Children of the Nile might be up your alley. ETA: There is also Constructor, a game that the manual advises will take months to learn. It used to be on GOG, but I don't see it at the moment.
  4. B

    Josh Sawyer plays New Vegas for charity

    Ha! Nah, the AT-4 is still backwards. You can tell because the yellow band is near the muzzle. The .45 is still going to take the guy's thumb. I wouldn't put my thumb behind the slide of a 9mm, let alone a .45.
  5. B

    Josh Sawyer plays New Vegas for charity

    The guy on the right is gonna lose... he's holding the AT-4 backwards. Then again, maybe he's counting on the other guy losing his thumb when he fires that .45.
  6. B

    The FBI got mail about visits of “beings from other dimensions”

    How does he know there's alien life? Because he is one! (Centauri from Baylon 5)
  7. B

    Yet another sci-fi thread

    Babylon 5 is pretty good. I love watching the Starfuries maneuver. Ghost in the Shell Stargate (movie or series) Tron / Tron Legacy Ender's Game (book or movie)
  8. B

    Trump is winning

    Why would Trump start a war? Warzones tend to be bad for property values. Trump owns property all around the world.
  9. B

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    I don't think it'll matter one way or the other. Neither one will do anything about Putin. Hillary's incompetent, and The Donald is an isolationist.
  10. B

    Trump is winning

    On the surface, I'd agree, but they used the same methods to attain power, and I don't think you could say one was really more brutal to the disfavored than the other. Would you rather be worked to death in a Siberian gulag or a Nazi concentration camp? It almost makes the gas chambers look...
  11. B

    Trump is winning

    If you listen to the US media, the hard-line USSR communists were "conservatives" back when Reagan was in office. Of course, most of the policies endorsed by the US Communist Party are also endorsed by the Democrats. You can't even get people to admit the Nazis were socialists, and very...
  12. B

    So, what does bethesda need to do to go bankrupt?

    You don't know what a Davy Crockett is? You... you heathen!!!
  13. B

    Hurricane Matthew

    No one remembers hurricane Hugo in... '89, I think it was? Geeze, you kids make me feel old.
  14. B

    First Wasteland 3 gameplay trailer online

    I'm pleased to see Ma Deuce make an appearance, but I don't think I'll be picking this one up if that video is representative of the intended final version.
  15. B

    I want to build the first real (i mean REAL) fallout 10mm

    I didn't either until that thread came up.... I had always figured that it was a straight semi-auto until then.