Recent content by BloodyPuppy

  1. B

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Every time I see his face I die a little inside. Oh god why/10
  2. B


    I haven't played 1942, but I love 2 and 2142. Haven't played Bad Company, but I've seen it and I'm not that impressed. And thanks a lot DICE. You guys can go suck a cock. Fucking consoles...
  3. B

    Your favorite holiday location

    Hm, well I don't really have the money to vacation myself, but I've gone to some interesting places the past couple of years. London was a lot of fun, if ridiculously expensive. I went to Turkey too, and that was a really awesome experience. I'd like to see some of Asia, but it's probably going...
  4. B

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Hm, scary clown jester thing. Let's go with... 7/10 I suppose. And the really tragic thing about my avatar is that I still haven't played System Shock to since I have no money. I think I might... uh, "acquire" it sometime soon but I'd rather get a legit copy if I can afford it.
  5. B

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Arcanum means instant 11/10. -1 for bugs and glitches.
  6. B

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    I just took a picture of myself in dark lighting and used the predator filter in gimp. Turned out pretty decent. And your avatar looks like a bagel or something (with tiny heads in the center no less) so 8/10
  7. B

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Is that some Tintin? Whatever, 10 red exploding bearded faces/10
  8. B

    [Advice/feedback please] Buying an EXBAOX

    The original TF (the HL mod, not the quake mod. I think it was quake anyways) was fun but had major issues with grenades since every class had them and they were very easy to spam. Grenades ended up trumping most class weapons. TF2 took away universal grenades and made those the realm of the...
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    [Advice/feedback please] Buying an EXBAOX

    I'd actually say that TF2 matches Battlefield for teamplay, but that's just me. TF2 seems to get a fair bit of hate for whatever reason.
  10. B

    [Advice/feedback please] Buying an EXBAOX

    The money may be there, but console FPS games are always going to be inferior. Just because devs focus more on the xbox for FPS games, doesn't mean that PC isn't the domain of the FPS. PC FPS games are just better, even the multiplatform ones.
  11. B

    [Advice/feedback please] Buying an EXBAOX

    Well the arcade scene is unfortunately dying, so I wouldn't say that that's a good reason for it not defining the PS3. And I'd say Killzone defines the PS3 too, much as I think it'll turn out to be a mediocre FPS.
  12. B

    [Advice/feedback please] Buying an EXBAOX

    The first one was fun. No regenerative health and godlike pistol? Yes please.
  13. B

    [Advice/feedback please] Buying an EXBAOX

    Well Halo does have significantly more polish than Fallout 3, for all it's unoriginality and shortcomings. I'll give it that much.
  14. B

    Bethesda to buy another IP?

    Am I the only one who keeps misreading buy as bury?
  15. B

    [Advice/feedback please] Buying an EXBAOX

    BlazBlue looks awesome. I'm a really big fighting game fan myself. I'd also say that Little Big Planet is a console defining game for the PS3. And I've only played with a gamepad, and the control is like a tank. But yeah, there are other issues I take with the game. I hate the cover system...