Recent content by Boggins

  1. Boggins

    Why Fallout 4 craps all over Fallout 3's fans and lore

    bruh Where did he say that he hated TV Tropes? He basically just said that you shouldn't use it as an instruction manual for story-writing (and you shouldn't). It doesn't mean he hates it. I mean, I'll even go on there occasionally. Though, it's always for entertainment purposes rather than...
  2. Boggins

    Why Fallout 4 craps all over Fallout 3's fans and lore

    I hate it when people use this as an argument. "This universe has [x] (radscorpions, in this case), therefore it doesn't have to explain [y] (water pollution)." Whatever, I'll go with it. Radscorpions have an, albeit simple, explanation: They're scorpions that were mutated by radiation. Once...
  3. Boggins

    Why Fallout 4 craps all over Fallout 3's fans and lore

    Are you admitting that this aspect (AKA the fact that not a single NPC in Fallout 3 thought about using rainwater instead of groundwater) of Fallout 3 is stupid?
  4. Boggins

    Attitude Towards Mutants and Ghouls

    no, really you're making literally no sense whatsoever
  5. Boggins

    Need NMA opinion on some Legion´s armor. Come and help me.

    "A delayed game mod is eventually good, but a rushed game mod is forever bad." ~ some random Jap i mean, with this logic you also get stuff like the duke nukem reboot, so you know
  6. Boggins

    Need NMA opinion on some Legion´s armor. Come and help me.

    I'm not asking for flawless, squeaky clean armor. Just armor that looks like they've put some effort into polishing it. You'd think that the Praetorians, who are the personal bodyguards of a motherfucking emperor, would take some time to look the slightest bit presentable. If the set belonged...
  7. Boggins

    Need NMA opinion on some Legion´s armor. Come and help me.

    fuk u it looks gud Even though I liked the previous design better, this is probably more fitting. I do think you should use the mask/cloak thing with the yellow bull over the mouth on at least one other set of armor. I don't know where you'd use it, but I really recommend that you use it...
  8. Boggins

    tfw too lazy/busy to keep helping with the nevada translation

    tfw too lazy/busy to keep helping with the nevada translation
  9. Boggins

    Need NMA opinion on some Legion´s armor. Come and help me.

    I think that's a bit too ornate for the wasteland, even if Vexillarius are extremely rare. Also, this might be what you're looking for, though I could be wrong: Your spacing made me think that there were like 3 or 4 images that didn't load properly...
  10. Boggins

    Life is Strange and Life is Strange: Before the Storm

    life is strange was hella' bad
  11. Boggins

    Need NMA opinion on some Legion´s armor. Come and help me.

    :mad::mad::mad: Also, once again, who/what is Otto?