Recent content by BoisBrule

  1. B

    Post-Apocalyptic books

    A Canticle for Leibowitz A World Made By Hand Lucifer's Hammer
  2. B

    Dark Humor and Bethesdas Take on It

    I liked the skeleton and toaster in a tub. Set up an entire scene in my head.
  3. B

    It's not a baaad game, but i really hate it.

    Actually, I just assumed that the enemy's aim was to balance out VATS. I've got killer aim with it, and it's meant to allow me time to set up shots while they remain oblivious, right? So... it's not such a stretch to think that the enemies might have pretty good aim as well.
  4. B

    It's not a baaad game, but i really hate it.

    thanks. I never even thought of it. :oops: and before I forget: setting. They do a damn good job. Nice small touches. The skeleton in the tub with a toaster sticks out, but I've come across lots of them.
  5. B

    It's not a baaad game, but i really hate it.

    "I still haven't found a camp of slavers." I have. More than one. Plus mercs, wastelanders, a handful of caravans, drug cookers, gangs... the game takes place within the confines of a single city and it's outlying suburbs. It stands to reason that it would be populated as it is...
  6. B


    hey... I'm just trying to find reasons for the use of caps.
  7. B


    Caps would need the correct tooling to make, so in a tech-deprived world (never saw a lathe or press in the game) they'd be hard to counterfeit. They'd weather years of abuse. They're small enough to use as coin. They're made of metal, which makes them hard currency, with an actual physical...
  8. B

    Major Storyline Defect??

    Umm... the "rule" has been broken a ton of times, if you pay attention to the story as it unfolds. Your father gained entry years ago. The locals speak about "Every few years" seeing someone from V101. The whole "noone ever enters... " is playing up the propaganda of V101's fascist leader...
  9. B

    What the fans really want!

    You keep coming back to mechanics... I was unaware that this was a "Gameplay mechanics" only thread, it's titled "WHAT FANS REALLY WANT"... I'm not a programmer... I merely posted what I "want" to see in a Fallout game. I "want" to see cover being utilized and a more strategic combat setting...
  10. B

    What the fans really want!

    Gotcha. There was no debate on this thread whatsoever... so I didn't butt into a debate. I'm a fan. This is what I want. Therefore I made a post in a thread about "What fans want"... go figure. I read a lot of what's on this site, and I still offered my ideas on "what this fan wants". If you...
  11. B

    What the fans really want!

    ...and as for Fallout not ever intending to be "real", fine. I can't even begin to argue that point, and to be completely fair, I can see why Fallout but different can't be "Fallout"... just like Hockey with soccerballs isn't Hockey. So, If I can accept that Fallout needs to be turn based and...
  12. B

    What the fans really want!

    I can see how it would be tiresome... but perhaps it needs to be remembered that when a FO fan comes across this site, and sees "suggestions and ideas".. well, I'm not certain that the average guy is going to read every single comment that has come before. But point taken. it doesn't...
  13. B

    What the fans really want!

    See, now that's a reasonable response.
  14. B

    What the fans really want!

    Fair enough... so why not FP exploration and Isometric combat? best of both worlds? I feel that Fallout could benefit from some truly hairy moments... not knowing what's around that corner until it's too late for example. I would like to see more effort put into making the world feel more...
  15. B

    What the fans really want!

    Heh... so, opinions only matter if they're exactly like yours? I'm a fan of the genre... I'm not married to the game system. I see the "opinions" held about the SPECIAL system... I don't agree. The title of the thread is "fallout 3 suggestions and ideas". I'm a fan of Fallout...