Recent content by Chad669

  1. Chad669

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    I have a quick question not necessary related to the RP itself as to F2, or is it? And the question is, when those the game consider critter armored? I just can't wrap my head around it. I'm asking cause i try to determine when it's most efficient to use AP ammunition, or on whom to use it. I...
  2. Chad669

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This particular quote is of course about the bigger number of encounters, but still the problem you refering to fits in such explanation. I do not have an answer to your...
  3. Chad669

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    Same here, old xp install on an too old for office kind of pc xD and the same (i guess) problem with running. So i wonder what fileS did you used, cause the only one i needed to overwrite was ddraw.dll. Don't know is that good but i used the one from sfalls "modderspack 3.3". (file desc...
  4. Chad669

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    Tested, works. Thank you @Darek that was exactly what i was looking for. All doe i'm in Broken Hill already and probably get Bishop map before going back to VC, i will keep this one in mind for RP 2.3.3 playthrough ;) EDIT: by the way the "second save" clicking that Darek point out is...
  5. Chad669

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    Which i checked and fallowed, never the less no luck with another triggering of the "spotting". EDIT: Is it plausible that it is because i change status, i mean i'm a citizen now and it's like i don't need to prove anything to anyone there anymore ;P and the quest just gone death?
  6. Chad669

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    Spotting Raiders thingy dosen't seem to work for me anymore. Anymore cause on the first day in the Vault City, when i was introduced to that perticular problem by the Stark, the "spotting Raiders" message pop uped on me on my way to Geco but i decided to leave it for later. So i'm now a pround...
  7. Chad669

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    I know it's not a bugtracker but i don't know is that even as bug as just some engine anomaly of f2 itself (never seen it before doe, then again didn't played much either). Anyways it was strange enough to share i think, so on a change of map from vault city's courtyard to a downtown's main...
  8. Chad669

    Fallout 2 mod Party Orders add-on and NPCs Loot Bodies mod

    I don't know if the Pelicano is still developing his mod here, but i do know that it is a part of the Killap's Restoration Project since 2.2 if i'm not mistaken so you shoud confront your cool idea with him since his close to release probably final version of RP ;)
  9. Chad669

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    So i will start anew ;) Do you plan a lot of new/edited text lines? I ask cause i just offered help with polish translation and they seem like 95% done with RP 2.3.2 EDIT: my bad, Juraszka finished 2days ago ;)
  10. Chad669

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    Killap if you don't know that yet then i just want to say that you're awesome :D I played Fallout 1 a long time ago and since there was f3 and f3:NV i figured out i need to play throu part 2 first so i found yours Restoration Project going to final stage of it's development and i almost fapped...