Recent content by cogar66

  1. C

    Why Fallout: New Vegas crashes

    It did, but they didn't become 10 times longer when you play the game for an hour.
  2. C

    NCR vs mr house

    1. So does Vegas? 2. So does Vegas? 3. So does Vegas? 4. So does Vegas? Also the NCR forces immigration on people. 5. So does Vegas? The NCR also tends to bend their own laws when it suits their needs. 6. Only point you have, but it's not a big one.
  3. C

    Fallout: New Vegas Dead Money reviews round-up

    If what they're saying about bugs is true Obsidian really is a shit fucking company. 3 months to develop 3 hours of gameplay and they can't do it without having bugs up its ass. Why the fuck does Obsidian develop games I want to play but can never make it so I can play them?
  4. C

    US slams 'criminals' behind WikiLeaks

    I never said we shouldn't take down the higher up people. But if someone gets ordered to torture someone they should be held accountable.
  5. C

    US slams 'criminals' behind WikiLeaks

    Bullshit. They chose their jobs.
  6. C

    US slams 'criminals' behind WikiLeaks

    Wait, what? The entire idea is the people vote for representatives who support their ideas and will make legislation that they support. People--->Representative--->Legislation. Therefore, the legislation is by the people. This is a straw man. I never said I supported direct democracy. I believe...
  7. C

    US slams 'criminals' behind WikiLeaks

    Gonna quote someone else, "Now, obviously some things need to remain secret, like ya know, troop positions and stuff like that. Although, I think troop positions should read like this: "All troops are within our borders watching MTV waiting for someone to attack us" because if we didn't have...
  8. C

    US slams 'criminals' behind WikiLeaks

    I'm gonna go with Ron Paul on this one "In a free society, we are supposed to know the truth, in a society where truth becomes treason, we are in big trouble."
  9. C

    Fallout: New Vegas developer quotes round-up

    Get over yourself for Christ's sake. :roll: "Those simple console peasants couldn't possibly wrap their minds around the complex and interesting dialogue that we, the PC gaming master race, can." Jesus fucking Christ.
  10. C

    Fallout: New Vegas leading the digital sales, retail sales

    Hardly. New Vegas is a slam dunk and if you think it would have sold this much this fast without Fallout 3 you're crazy.
  11. C

    Fallout: New Vegas Dead Money factsheet

    By the time you reach level 30 you're practically a God anyway, so I support the decision because it gives you a reason to still play the game. Only about 1/3 of the quests done and level 30 makes the quests less rewarding.
  12. C

    Vault you think *spoilers*

    The loading screens say it's been "Abandoned for decades" So anywhere from 20-90 years.
  13. C

    Anarchy In The Wasteland

    Kill everyone and turn off Hoover Dam instead of turning on the Robots.