Recent content by Dapper Dan Man

  1. D

    Silence at RS #0423 Chapter one - PROLOGUE (OC)

    My former Call of Cthulhu character, for a game that I was to play with welsh and others but never took off. He was a latent psychic, though beyond strange dreams, he didn't know it. Leon Deveraux Age: 26 Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Height: 6’1” Weight: 195 lb Status: Rookie...
  2. D

    Silence at RS #0423 Chapter one - PROLOGUE (OC)

    I'll be posting my character here soon. Placeholder for the moment, check back later.
  3. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    First thought that popped in my head was 'Shadowrun character'. Everybody loves clowns.... 9/10
  4. D

    Roleplay Hello thread

    I'm up for it; I recall horror game's like welsh's Cthulhu stuff with some nostalgia. Give me a good intro for the setting, and I already have a character, heh. I made him for a sci-fi Cthulhu game that never took off. Then again, I am game for a remake of Desert Conflict if others would be...
  5. D

    Roleplay Hello thread

    I'm game for...well....a new game. I miss a few I was reading over from the past, for sure. I miss playing Ivan in the wasteland, and also the 'Desert Conflict' one that never took off.
  6. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Pistol: Sig-Sauer P225 9mm - The handgun I learned how to properly shoot on. I always have been partial to this. Pistol: Ruger Mark II - Target 22. LR pistol. Good to take out into the backyard and try my hand at the deflated basketball I used as a target. Future plans. My next...
  7. D

    I Write Like

    I'm a bit curious about how both my rp character's bio *and* my honors thesis final for university both comment that I write like Dan Brown...
  8. D

    Roleplay Hello thread

    Hello. I'm Fireblade, I used to roleplay here and would like to return. My previous posts are on the board (buried), but I also rp on other forums such as Myth Weavers, in addition to some board-based RPGs. That is all.
  9. D

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Not that anyone particularly remembers me, but I decided to rejoin NMA after about 4 years. Why? I don't rightly know, but it feels...something akin to 'good'. I did a random read of all my old crap and typed in a search...and there you go. So here I am, as for what I'll do....?
  10. D

    Omega 3,6 what?

    How about....caloric deficiency? Take in less than you use, and you lose weight. Work out to maintain muscle and burn yet more calories, and you will lose weight. Why can't people just see this as THAT simple? It just takes bloody willpower, that is all. I know it is hard for people to...
  11. D

    Going to the gym

    My program (overseen by a fitness advisor occasionally) is to do about 20-30 minutes of cardio. After I finish that, I generally alternate days where I do my whole upper body, or else my lower body. Trying to do it every day (though work makes it difficult). The machines here, called Cybex...
  12. D

    Zombie Apocalyse- OCC- General Discussion

    I'm sorry man, I am just so damn busy with real-life things. I am lucky to keep up on the Nile game and that only reequires a post a day, or even less.
  13. D

    Supreme Court overrules Bush

    The thing which annoys me is that behind all the 'exposes' on soldiers doing horrible things in these camps the officers are not taking responsibility. I mean, I will be incredibly surprised if there is not an unofficial set of rules that those in command wink at. The highest person being...
  14. D

    Zombie Apocalyse- OCC- General Discussion

    I have been rethinking about it a bit: I still want to play but I guess I am a bit stymied on posting the characters up. This is the part I dislike the most as generally characters I make I reveal slowly during the story, often in response to in-game events. Anyways, I think I will be...
  15. D

    Zombie Apocalyse- OCC- General Discussion

    Yeah....I just started a job and will be gone a week or more. Maybe we can introduce my characters in once my schedule has become more....normalized? I DO want to play.