Recent content by Dead Guy

  1. Dead Guy

    Fallout 3 remake mod Capital Wasteland is cancelled - surprises nobody!

    Well, sure. But you got to be realistic about these things.
  2. Dead Guy

    Fallout 3 remake mod Capital Wasteland is cancelled - surprises nobody!

    If this happened I know what I'd be doing with my free time the next few years...
  3. Dead Guy

    2018 influenza epidemic

    2018 semantics epidemic
  4. Dead Guy

    2018 influenza epidemic

    Also vs Lol, Ebola. Influenza is roflcoptering at your pathetic "epidemic"
  5. Dead Guy

    2018 influenza epidemic

    Juza The Cloud... of potentially infectious particles! DUN DUN DUN! It makes sense, why else would he try to dismiss advice that would limit the spread of flu so ferociously? Guys! If you're posting in a thread with a cloud of potentially infectious particles, leave immediately!
  6. Dead Guy

    The Fo1/2 Awareness perk

    It's a good perk that gets worse the more meta knowledge you have about the game. When you've got enough experience the only benefit is basically knowing whether a guy that looks almost dead is guaranteed to die in one shot from your early game pistol or not (ie does he have 2 or 9 HP left...
  7. Dead Guy

    Fallout 1 "The most Ineffective Build"

    The 3AP build: But with worse tag skills and attributes I guess.
  8. Dead Guy

    Fallout 2, I can't get Cassidy to burst more often, and "Always" is greyed out, why?

    Recruitable NPCs just don't have all options available, what you can tell them to do in combat is somewhat tied to their characters. For example you can't tell Myron to only use stimpacks when hurt a lot or when he needs a tourniquet, the most restrictive setting for stimpacks for Myron is hurt...
  9. Dead Guy

    Fallout 2 Builds: Are These Good?

    If you want to power game, and it seems like you do, I'd ditch Awareness for pretty much anything else since it doesn't alter stats and because of the range of damage you do with attacks, knowing an enemy's exact hit points isn't really all that useful most of the time anyway. Almost Dead...
  10. Dead Guy

    Cthulhu Armageddon

    "If you can't convince them, confuse them" holds true, I guess.
  11. Dead Guy

    Cthulhu Armageddon

    It was, someone must've OKed it, was in the queue this morning and I couldn't decide if it was a bot or not so let it sit there.
  12. Dead Guy

    Maybe NMA should start chatting on Steam

    You can customize your notifications so the window just flashes with new messages, no pop-ups bottom right, no sound, no nothing if you're in full screen, you won't notice it unless you shift+tab.
  13. Dead Guy

    Maybe NMA should start chatting on Steam

    I don't get how people join a chat room and leave unless someone says something within 2 minutes. This is the nature of chat rooms. If it's empty it will stay empty unless you idle there until two or more people are there at the same time. If you join, see it's empty and leave, it will always be...
  14. Dead Guy

    Tips/Advice for a Fallout 2 noob?

    The restoration project is pretty good, adds a bunch of locations and things to do to the original game. Last time I checked the recommendation was to avoid the ammo mod that comes with it, someone who played it more recently might have a better idea of which of the bundled mini-mods that are...
  15. Dead Guy

    dsn post workout

    I don't even see the spam anymore. All I see is blonde, brunette, red-head.