Recent content by Gaddes

  1. G

    Fallout 76 roadmap

    >Steel Dawn >Fractured Steel >The Brotherhood returns to find new tech Just...I...why? They sure do love the BoS don't they?
  2. G

    Fallout 76 Wastelander add-on released

    So the Secret Service in Wasterlanders are a totally separate group and are in no way part of the Enclave. In addition to their own Pre-war T-65 power armor, they have some variant of combat armor and just like combat armor in FO4, it's giant mess of huge plates ala marine combat armor.
  3. G

    Wastelanders DLC?

    Yep. It's the official name for the secret service power armor in wastelanders. Cause we all though FO4 and T-60 was the top of the line but they showed us! I'm sure it has some utter butt pull of an explanation.
  4. G

    Wastelanders DLC?

    Overall seems to be pretty meh from what I've seen and heard about it. The settlers don't even care if you drop a nuke on them. Still wanna hear the explanation for the T-65 power armor.
  5. G

    Fallout 76 Wastelander add-on released Secret Service power armor is -drumroll- another new pre-war model, because reasons.
  6. G

    Wastelanders DLC?

    I totally get that they'd use power armor. I think my biggest problem is, why make a new model? I'd assume they'd have access to the X01 suits.
  7. G

    Wastelanders DLC?

    Honestly, I'd figured the Secret Service would use scout armor as it's light and would suit their purposes well. It just seems odd that we have to have another model of power armor. I mean, it looks cool and all, but this is Bethesda and they need a new model to advertise their new product.
  8. G

    Wastelanders DLC?

    Honestly people coming back after the events in 76 is one of the rare moments of making sense in Bethesda Fallout. Me personally, I don't play it but I wanna know the ass pull for this puppy... Just...why? I love how Power Armor went...
  9. G

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    Pretty hyped for it honestly and I'm glad to see they hype for it is pretty high.
  10. G

    Escapist Magazine calls Bethesda killers of Fallout

    It took them a while, but better late than never. FO has been on life support for a while now. Are FO3 and 4 the worse thing ever? No, but that doesn't change the fact that both are very stales takes on the franchise. I see talk about they kept the East and West coast lore operate, but that is...
  11. G

    Fallout 76 Nukes Lore and Releases

    Dutch is 100% correct here. I'm find the lore in 76 to be down right entertaining. Such as ground zero for the Super Mutants is 76, Huntersville. It was apparently some secret West Tek (who of course has a branch in WV) experiment. The U.S Army quarantined the area and monitored the people to...
  12. G

    Fallout 76 Nukes Lore and Releases

    Oh it's hilarious the extent they went to have no human NPC's. The Scorch Plague was created by Arktos Pharma pre-war (because of course) for unknown reasons. Sounds like Beth wanted their own version of FEV.
  13. G

    Fallout 76 Nukes Lore and Releases

    Heck yeah Dutch. The Calculator was a pretty solid villain.
  14. G

    Fallout 76 Nukes Lore and Releases

    So the Enclave was killed by totally not the Calculator? Their just coming up with reason to have no human NPC's at this point lol. Also, no idea what Ultracite is, but the mining company used it to make the Ultracite Power Armor. I'm amost certain that it's some sorta pre-war model...because...
  15. G

    Fallout 76 Nukes Lore and Releases

    So, with political tension high in pre-war America, the folks in West Virginia had a cult that summoned the Mothman...yep, that's Bethesda alright.