Recent content by ghost68

  1. G

    Modding FOT characters/Recruits

    Thanks, now Ive gotten the level editor working and can place characters and place control, but how do I remove farsight and stitch entirley?
  2. G

    Modding FOT characters/Recruits

    The UGO site wont seem to let me download the file, is there somewhere else I can get it?
  3. G

    Modding FOT characters/Recruits

    Thanks, I was able to edit the characters just fine. But I cant seem to open any of the missions in the editor, the list just looks blank.
  4. G

    Modding FOT characters/Recruits

    FoT Squad creation I just started mucking around with the FoT editor, and I want to be able to create a full squad to play with from begining to the end. While trying to create different characters I cant seem to be able to create descriptions for them or choose portraits, and for different...