Recent content by gumbarrel

  1. G

    Hoaxer explains hows and whys of

    Can't say that if you did it i wouldn't consider you to be as much of a jackass :D
  2. G

    Wasteland 2 update: Weapons and assets

    Then you make no sense, because all I did was use your own logic...
  3. G

    Wasteland 2 update: Weapons and assets

    Then do the same with weapons and say that "Rifles skill" is the base understanding of using rifles and that the specific weapon use knowledge is included in "Rifles" skill.
  4. G

    Wasteland 2 update: Weapons and assets

    Well, then you should also have a separate repair skill for energy weapons as well. And another repair skill for repairing different types of armor. And another repair skill for repairing elevators, another one for repairing computers, another one for repairing robots and power armor...
  5. G

    Metacritic Matters: How Review Scores Hurt Video Games

    Re: The Grander Grandeur Game I love drugs too. There is a difference, yes, but some people make it out to be the ultimate end-all of game sales sometimes, wich is just as ridiculous. Do the laws of marketing change when you apply them to indie games? All versions of...
  6. G

    Metacritic Matters: How Review Scores Hurt Video Games

    And yet that's not what anyone here ever actually argues. I've never seen anyone say "Man, Title X should get the highest possible marketing budget, so it can sell boatloads!" If you really think that marketing is the end-all of game sells, then you should want companies like Obsidian to...
  7. G

    Metacritic Matters: How Review Scores Hurt Video Games

    So all games like Fallout 1 and Arcanum need to do is market the fuck out of themselves and they will sell trillions, right? :roll:
  8. G

    Shamus Young talks Fallout 3

    This is just wrong. We are also "very close" with cats and cows, when it comes to genetics. Did you know, that humans often play on these weird machines called "PeeSees" and "konsols", even though they have no reason to? I guess the urge for useless shit exist for many species.
  9. G

    Shamus Young talks Fallout 3

    Oh, so you were pluged in to the a hive mind and you knew exactly what the thoughts and intentions of every single serb were? Get a grip. How old were you back then anyway? "I am not a paranoid lunatic" and then you say this? :scratch: If this is seriously true, then this is more of a...
  10. G

    Shamus Young talks Fallout 3

    *facepalm* You sure as hell get me wrong. Fallout 3 got the award because it was the most popular game there. And a large number of people probably thought that it had a pretty good writing compared (key word here, compared to other shit) to some other games they've played that year. Not...
  11. G

    Shamus Young talks Fallout 3

    Votes in general are based on popularity, within a certain group. Fallout 3 is not popular around here, for example, but something like UnderRail probably will be. Nothing of that sort happened with the Walking Dead, for example, and the vast majority of people are perfectly aware...
  12. G

    Shamus Young talks Fallout 3

    These videos are like 3 years old. And he did like the game overall, he thought that the story was garbage, though. Most indie games are not much better in the story department than most mainstream titles. Most game stories are not that great, indie or otherwise.
  13. G

    The Shandification of Fallout

    Funny how he mentions ADD. It's laughable to me how some people will try to project some sort of mental illness on people who like certain modern game elements (constant leveling is one of them), when in reality, the things they enjoy are probably just as friendly to ADD and OCD, respectively.
  14. G

    Fallout 4 teased? Three Dog returning

    And, as always, baseless assumptions ahoy. There is literally 0 evidence for Three Dog being back. All we have is the voice hinting at the possibility of his return, that's it. The guy is probably just going to voiceAcharacter from Fallout 4 (he also had a voice part in Skyrim), who may or may...
  15. G

    Fallout 4 teased? Three Dog returning

    Three Dog was the only popular character from that game (popular =/= good), so if they were going to do something like this, it makes sense, really.