Recent content by I_eat_supermutants

  1. I

    The Last Of Us

    Haha. It's definitely still no Citizen Kane. By far.
  2. I

    The Last Of Us

    Just started playing last night before bed. Do recommend a slightly darkened room for this. For me this game is so far so good, 'cept a view visual bugs. Oddly happened after a key point in the story... [spoiler:5471de098e]When Tess goes out in a blaze of glory.[/spoiler:5471de098e] Also...
  3. I


    That list forgot graphics. Have you seen the texture mapping of a rock? Amazing.
  4. I

    Post a Screenshot

    It's a helluva lot of fun. Trial and error keeps things interesting but it can be somewhat stressful too but never annoying. My favorite thing to do is build space planes. I'm still not too good at docking though. Tends to be the most stressful part. When you succeed at stuff though, like...
  5. I

    Post a Screenshot

    Well been playing KSP and finally accomplished a meager accomplishment.
  6. I

    GOG having a sell on D&D games!

    I went ahead and got Planescape: Torment. With the recommended mods. $4 well worth spent so far. I feel behind not playing this sooner. Are the Icewind Dale games any good? I've heard conflicting things on them. Most of these I own already though.
  7. I

    What to play after you've played everything?

    It's funny that this topic came up. One of the games I turn to after getting that "played everything" feeling is staring me in the face. Shadowrun for the SNES. Sure it's not totally true to the source materials but I was 10 when I first discovered it, so didn't the fuck Shadowrun was suppose to...
  8. I

    A chance encounter between NMA'ers

    A quick answer. No. Quick explanation as to why. I live in Wyoming. The odds of a NMAer being here are slim to none. If there were a NMA fan club and there were a Wyoming chapter, it would be me, right here, drinking beer and talking to myself and I do that already. Not to mention I havn't...
  9. I

    LucasArts destroyed by Disney's Death Star

    That's it. Playing Dark Forces again. Was kinda looking forward to 1313 a bit but oh well. At least there is still Monkey Island and such. We got the quality before the sun burned out.
  10. I

    I'm getting old, Shonny: The good and the bad

    I just wanted certain views is all. What was awesome as a kid and what makes you wanna puke in rage and frustration now, looking back on it. Why being a kid in YOUR perspective sucks/rocks now. That's all. My words may have been picked better. Example. The magical words of Ronald McDonald...
  11. I

    Retro City Rampage

    The game itself, taken at a level of nostalgia. is fucking great. An old school junkie such as myself looks at it as fucking amazing. I get a boner playing it. A childhood boner if you will. The controls are a tad iffy on pc but can be totally replaced by your preference. I use a ps3...
  12. I

    Star Citizen: The Space Sim you've been waiting for

    Thanks Phil, now I must invest in a shitload of upgrades when this is released. :D I have been looking forward to something like this since I could remember. I would send money flying this way if I weren't getting married and working my way to my own house.
  13. I

    I'm getting old, Shonny: The good and the bad

    Lately I have been frequently visiting a website known as and been wondering what everyone feels about their youth. My youth as a 90's kid in the good ol' US of A was mostly awful food crammed down my throat along with sports, good to decent toys, cars and the most...
  14. I

    Retro City Rampage

    Well it came out today for PC PS3/Vita. I'll post more later as it is sucking me in and it is alot of fun. To report it is great, makes me laugh and controls well. Gotta love it. Again. Post more thoughts later but damn it was worth the $15.
  15. I

    Retro City Rampage

    Haha that does look great. I wasn't even aware of that. I'm gonna look that up now. Demakes are great for the "what if" factor. The best part about these is just the fact that they cram so much content into these thing. Retro City Rampage has a ton to offer. 50 story missions, open...