Recent content by It Just Works

  1. It Just Works

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    Already doing that. I'd be lying if I said I'm not enjoying the show for what it is, but to me it's just a non-canon spin-off.
  2. It Just Works

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    Fair enough, but what happened in California was at least unchanged by Fallout 3, besides the the Brotherhood expedition and the Enclave being resurrected.
  3. It Just Works

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    At the very least it was contained on the East Coast. But in this show, it basically takes the entirety of 1, 2, and New Vegas, and throws it in the dumpster. Literally everything that happened was rendered meaningless.
  4. It Just Works

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    The craziest part is that people on places like the subreddit for the show are defending this shit with excuses like "well the NCR is overrated, and besides they only appeared in one game" or "New Vegas fanboys are just mad".
  5. It Just Works

    Fallout Universe on the cusp of industrialization?

    Honestly, I've always loved this brand of retrofuturistic architecture, especially Googie.
  6. It Just Works

    Reddit's thoughts on Fallout 3

    I have never raged harder playing a Fallout game than going up against the Ghost People with the Realistic Weapon Damage mod installed.
  7. It Just Works

    Reddit's thoughts on Fallout 3

    Yeah there's no doubt that the lore issues are the least of Fallout 3's problems, it's just that little thing that makes Fallout 3 even worse.
  8. It Just Works

    Reddit's thoughts on Fallout 3

    I’m fairly certain all the goofy quests in Fallout 3 are due to Fallout 2. As much as I love Fallout 2, it had some pretty out there shit (looking at you talking deathclaws).
  9. It Just Works

    Reddit's thoughts on Fallout 3

    My favourite lore butcher is how Bethesda has a ghoul kid stuck in a fridge for 210 years with no food or water with the implication that ghouls don’t need either. This is in direct conflict with a major plot point in Fallout 1 where if you steal the water chip without fixing their other source...
  10. It Just Works

    Reddit's thoughts on Fallout 3

    My bad, I'll edit out the name.
  11. It Just Works

    Reddit's thoughts on Fallout 3

    This is what stuck out to me, especially considering it's up to how you build and write your character that determines what factions you pick and why. It also seems like she herself doesn't care about the factions. Also I found the user and read their bio and it's the most Reddit shit I've...
  12. It Just Works

    Reddit's thoughts on Fallout 3

    I love it when people use the "you hate change" argument, as if change is inherently good. I've also noticed that fans of the originals and New Vegas tend to back their arguments up with multple examples and the like, while Bethesda Fallout fans tend to default to "Bethesda hater" or cherry pick...
  13. It Just Works

    Reddit's thoughts on Fallout 3

    Yeah I'm gonna have to go with this Redditor being very young and having got into Fallout for the shooting and looting, not the Roleplaying.
  14. It Just Works

    Fallout Apocrypha - By Chris Avellone

    I don't understand why this is supposed to be a good thing. Something being mainstream is neither good nor bad, and the heavy marketing of the Vault Boy on t-shirts and stuff is hilarious considering it's supposed to parody that exact kind of thing.
  15. It Just Works

    Your opinion is worthless

    This is why Fallout keeps getting shittier, because Bethesda fans keep defending sub par game design and writing.