Recent content by jasper

  1. J

    Fallout 2 mod Party Orders add-on and NPCs Loot Bodies mod

    I have to admit that I have grown used to the situation where if I install a mod onto a game and the game crashes because of it, that the modders in question have no use for the error codes, since they would only be of use to the original developers who knew the engine inside and out. Well, I...
  2. J

    Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

    Hmm it's funny how long it has been since I played Fallout 2... I remember getting spare ammo from the random encounters then, but I probably just remember it wrongly. Either way, you are of course correct, the weapons are loaded with ammo indeed. Also, I have been getting some nastier encouters...
  3. J

    Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

    Thanks for the answers. This mod is really awesome. I just wanted to ask something. I have noticed that in random encounters, people does not drop any ammo. I mean at all. They use ammo against me though, but when they die they have no ammo at all. I understand that this mod modifies the ammo...
  4. J

    Fallout 2 mod Party Orders add-on and NPCs Loot Bodies mod

    Hello Jim. I love the concept with this mod, but I have to report a bug with the latest version. If a party member is killed by say robbers or whatever, the game crashes every time. I have not experimented much with this such as killing the party members myself or such things but the problem...
  5. J

    Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

    Hi phobos! I have 4 questions about this mod. 1. I see you include YAAM with your mod. Does that mean that I have to de-select it when installing RP 2.3.3 via it's installer? Or does it mean that I have to check it? Or it does not matter? 2. I see you include (?) your updated party order mod...
  6. J

    Pack o' Scripts #1 for FO2 RP 2.3+

    Thanks. The changes looks great. Together with your content mods, the game will be massively improved. Really excited.
  7. J

    Fallout 2 mod Party Orders add-on and NPCs Loot Bodies mod

    Well, this is odd but after looking around, I can't seem to find the report anymore. Maybe it was on the RP wiki and then got removed or something because it wasn't related to RP. If I do find it, I will post it here. However, I remember the report was that at least Sulik got reset to his...
  8. J

    A review of the RP game progression experience and small tweak suggestions

    Oh, I see. I understand now what you are going for. Thanks. It sounds amazing and I will definitely try it out when it is released.
  9. J

    A review of the RP game progression experience and small tweak suggestions

    I just wished to say my thanks for the work you and phobos are doing lujo. I must say I don't necessarily agree with all things you are saying about progression. I mean games today are holding the players hand way too much, and guides him in ways and situations so that things never gets too...
  10. J

    Fallout 2 mod Party Orders add-on and NPCs Loot Bodies mod

    Nice work, phobos! :clap: While you are working on this, is it possible to implement what Pixote said a few years back: "Of course the not everyone can loot bodies - such as Robodog and K9 (Cyberdog), but it would be great if each NPC had a individual reaction to the looting command, (and the...
  11. J

    Talking Heads

    I agree with this. Now when the RP has reached a final state and the sources are out, there is much room for improvement that does not concern restorations or bugfixing. This could be a good candidate for an add-on to the RP. Static talking heads for fitting npcs. I'd certainly use such a mod...
  12. J

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    Congrats on the release! I have one question. It seems that this new version includes the blonde girl made by rainman created in a 3d program right? But, straight after he did the blonde girl that way, he also made the redhead, and he gave permission for the RP to use them both. So why is the...
  13. J

    New animations 2

    Wow you guys are such suckers! xD first, you actually take tester123 serious and waste words on him, then you actually jump Master92 :P Good show Master92, good show ;D
  14. J

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

    I'm a fan of all your work pixote, and i'm all for changes that clearly improve the game, even though there is no evidence that the developers wanted it. Good work on Lenny btw :D But on this, I vote no. He should look older, yes, but if it is needed to shorten his death animation for that to...
  15. J

    Vault Boy pics for the Hero Appearance Mod

    Wait :shock: does this mean that you can/will make other playable character types for the rp? I, too, can not believe this! I did not think it was going to become a reality. I might as well just chip in as well, that in my eyes, the most needed one to make currently is the redhead. I am not...