Recent content by JDogindy

  1. JDogindy

    The Independent Fallout Wiki [A New Fallout Wiki With Blackjack and Hookers!]

    You should have gone a step further and said it was a reference to Uncle Leo from "Seinfeld".
  2. JDogindy

    Outer Worlds - Massive Disappointment

    There's a particular video essay I always like to show people when I have a beef with Bethesda's take on the Fallout franchise, and he compared the humor of the first two games to that of a Coen Brothers film; the comedy is situational and based mostly off of things spiraling out of control into...
  3. JDogindy

    The Last of Us 2 - Two cowgirls murdering each other's loved ones

    Well, this game managed to go and piss off the whole political spectrum. I don't think any recent entry has managed such a feat of that nature.
  4. JDogindy

    Chris Avellone is a sexual predator

    If there's one thing that would represent Earth, it would most definitely have to be a space dildo.
  5. JDogindy

    Chris Avellone is a sexual predator

    Islam effectively looked at Christianity and went "You guys didn't go far enough on the fundamentalist scale, so we're making our own group". I don't mean to be so blunt about the Quran but it's effectively the Bible with DLC, and the fact there's in-fighting within over who is the true Prophet...
  6. JDogindy

    Chris Avellone is a sexual predator

    Yeah, he's going to need both somebody representing him, but also some evidence about the accusations. Locations, time stamps, receipts. Like I said; our memories are not reliable sources of evidence, but hard data is. His silence only will incriminate him further.
  7. JDogindy

    Fallout is now a fighting game!

    I mean, I'm fine with it. The issues I have are: No ambient music accompanying Vault Boy, unlike with Sans and Cuphead. Yeah, I know Bethesda are lazy bums who recycle the same damn 50s songs each game, and obviously none of the licensed songs that were used in the classic series would fit...
  8. JDogindy

    Chris Avellone is a sexual predator

    Honestly, if there was a left wing cult problem, I wish I could find it because I don't recall any initiations. (though you're free to think this way) To be blunt, we're all becoming complacent and demanding in instant gratification. Much like the older generations would probably relied on...
  9. JDogindy

    Outer Worlds - Massive Disappointment

    I tried it. I just couldn't. Morality in gameplay is a complicated tightrope to walk, and oftentimes developers will decide to make the player choose an option they want because that's the option they felt was the best. Even though I slaughtered many a Legionnaire in New Vegas, if you...
  10. JDogindy

    Chris Avellone is a sexual predator

    That's the thing about what I call the Court of Public Opinion. It doesn't matter if you're proved innocent with hard facts; people will never forgive you because they think emotionally rather than rationally.
  11. JDogindy

    Vault Boy in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

    So... this happened. No ambience added, unlike when they previously added Sans from Undertale or Cuphead the past few months. Also, they went with an Alien blaster, but not an actual Alien blaster from any of the games, just... some kind of Alien blaster because we can't have guns, even though...
  12. JDogindy

    Chris Avellone is a sexual predator

    Uh... I'm on the left wing (call me whatever you want, I'm proud to be a bleeding heart, but I'll listen), but I'm not a man-hating feminist (honestly, men get short shrift in plenty of things like divorce settlements and maternity leave, but then again, you'll never see me in a MGTOW rally)...
  13. JDogindy

    Fallout 76 - From BETA To Wastelanders

    One year later: Fallout 76 still exists. Scientists are baffled as it defies all common knowledge. ...okay, enough goofy shit. In theory and in practice, a game like Fallout 76 has the potential to turn around and become something decent, if not valuable, to a company. Anyone who recalls the...
  14. JDogindy

    Does Fallout 76 have a story?

    Considering how the first Pacific Rim gave us the tantalizing aspects of an expanded universe that included Ron Perlman; Kaiju Trafficker, and we wound up seeing a terrible sequel and a potential Netflix cartoon that just screams "Neon Genesis Evangelion, but Worse", hard pass. And, the idea of...
  15. JDogindy

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    Considering I logged the entire experience of playing this thing, I know it's terrible, but if you had to point a gun to my head and said which was worse; POS or 76... I'm going to say 76. POS, as horrid and lazy it was (it was a freaking Baldur's Gate copy-paste job, something I didn't know...