Recent content by JellyJman

  1. JellyJman

    Power Armor Strength Buffs

    It would, but tbh strength is kinda of a non factor anyway when you get PA since almost everyone goes 4+ starting strength and by the time you get Hardened PA it’s somewhere between 8-10 and there really not a substantial difference between the three numbers unless you are rocking unarmed/melee...
  2. JellyJman

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    Tbh I took calculus 2 in college and have never needed to use it since
  3. JellyJman

    Next Fallout Game Location?

    I think it’s the nature of the gameplay. If they went with the less common raiders/mutants route but make them more powerful and deadly it would turn a lot of people off and Fallout has always been about lots of shooting and killing. It just got turned to 11 during Fallout 3
  4. JellyJman

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    No the first post was still a 0/10, your retort on my rating was funnier so I gave that a 4/10
  5. JellyJman

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    I had the same issue on the forcefield, use a hot key for science or repair, THEN click on the forcefield, don’t click on the forcefield first trying to use a skill it won’t work
  6. JellyJman

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    There’s an outsdoormen skill check when you use the metal detector, I think it’s pretty big for the item you’re looking for. I believe it’s in corner. In my experience most of the metal detectors items are exactly on the tile touching a wall or object
  7. JellyJman

    Next Fallout Game Location?

    I like to see the Great Lakes. From Chicago to Cleveland. Maybe Columbus can be a game map border city. You can drive a car to the cities
  8. JellyJman

    What was your first RPG?

    I enjoyed it at the time. It wasn't the first RPG I finished though, it was
  9. JellyJman

    What was your first RPG?

    FF10, too young to really understand it. But I did finish it eventually 5 years later
  10. JellyJman

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    We'll never really know
  11. JellyJman

    How Fallout 4 Fans Play Fallout 1 (Video)

    Thanks my G, I stole it from this
  12. JellyJman

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    They didn't, the US committed a war crime only because the US could and didn't want to (understandably) keep fighting the war. Those poor civilians didn't deserve that though.
  13. JellyJman

    How Fallout 4 Fans Play Fallout 1 (Video)

    It's funny cause it's true