Recent content by Kindo

  1. Kindo

    Fallout: Nuka Break fan film

    It's good enough. Not as disappointing as it looked in the trailer. I still think it's weak of them to resort to scantily-clad, fully made-up women, however. That's the opposite of the Wasteland look. Most people will simply look past it, or ignore it/miss it completely, but this kind of sexism...
  2. Kindo

    J.E. Sawyer opens a blog

    I, for one, really appreciate Sawyer's openness and tendency to communicate with the players like this. No matter what you may disagree or agree with regarding his statements, this act alone makes me respect him so much more as a game designer.
  3. Kindo

    Romantically Apocalyptic

    Looks great, yes, and I agree the humour is a bit hit and miss; but generally it's somewhat giggle-inducing, and some of them are comical in a way that suits me perfectly. Atmospherically it's all quite cozy, though, so I enjoy it. :)
  4. Kindo

    Dead Money out, screenshots on Marketplace

    It does indeed sound pretty nifty. Despite the premise and how the basic idea sounds on paper - especially considering how non-Fallouty it might seem - it at least sounds like it's a well-designed little adventure (unlike Bethesda's creations).
  5. Kindo

    Dead Money out, screenshots on Marketplace

    I thought enemies (both type and level) were adjusted according to your own level, so why would it matter what level you are when you start the mission? If they've forced the encounters to have a certain level and difficulty no matter how high up you are yourself, I'll be very disappoint. I...
  6. Kindo

    Major Nelson Podcast interviews Jason Bergman

    Keepe in mind that there are many full-price games out there that don't last more than 4-6 hours, and which then sell boring add-on missions that are over within the hour, for the same price as these guys are charging for theirs. Still, I hate the pricing for the majority of the DLC's out there...
  7. Kindo

    Fallout: New Vegas developers quotes round-up

    Well met. By sounding professional, I simply meant the question immediately felt skewed to your personal preference, rather than explaining that you've noticed a recurring criticism from several sources (yourself included) that the Legion generally hasn't come across as something great. It just...
  8. Kindo

    Fallout: Nuka Break fan film trailer

    I especially like that the women in the production looked just as post-apocalyptic as you'd expect. Sigh. Well done, I guess.
  9. Kindo

    Fallout: New Vegas developers quotes round-up

    People who feel some way or another, tend to do what they can to strengthen their own viewpoint. Whoever asked the question chose to phrase it in a way that made it sound like he was voicing the opinion of a majority, rather than his own, personal concern. Not a very professional way to approach...
  10. Kindo

    Bethesda buying Obsidian rumors

    I'd be surprised if Obsidian would bend over and sell out. Sure, money runs the world, and most developers would jump at the chance; but since the studio at least partly formed as a response of being stabbed in the back by their previous owners, wouldn't they want to remain an independent...
  11. Kindo

    Fallout: New Vegas leading the digital sales, retail sales

    Well, yeah, in which case it's at least a very deceitful marketing ploy.
  12. Kindo

    2241 - 2281 : The Choosen One

    Please, several people have already spelled it differently, which should logically make you stop and think for a bit; even the part you're quoting should clue you in, but here you go: It's chosen, not choosen. Anyway, it's already confirmed that he became the elder of New Arroyo, and I'm...
  13. Kindo

    Fallout: New Vegas leading the digital sales, retail sales

    Yeah, that doesn't surprise me. I don't know what frustrates me more; the fact that game companies are allowed to so blatantly lie (or at least deceive) like this, or the fact that people are often ignorant enough to buy into it.
  14. Kindo

    Fallout: New Vegas leading the digital sales, retail sales

    I'll chime in and say that I, too, hope that Obsidian will be allowed to take over development - or at least continue to make more Fallout-games - while Bethesda sits back as the publisher, raking in the revenue instead. This franchise deserves quality writing, which means Bethesda should keep...
  15. Kindo

    Do you think it's perfectly okay to dismiss Fallout 3...

    The reason so many PC games run well on machines that are up to five years old, is that all games nowadays are developed with the Xbox 360's specs in mind, and then simply (more or less) ported to the PC format. The 360 runs on hardware developed back in 2005, and few functional upgrades have...