Recent content by marovincian

  1. M

    Fallout 4 PC retail has a 18.8 GB Steam download

    Why not put the game on a cheap 32gb flash drive and ship that... I don't know if that is cheaper than 4 pressed DVDs, but it's probably close, and it could be marketed as a "collectable" Fallout 4 Flash Drive. Bethesda are morons.
  2. M

    Saving in combat, is it really that bad?

    Gives all new meaning to "Fallout FIXT". :razz:
  3. M

    In The Workshop with Christopher Frederic Avellone

    Wasn't MCA one of the Beastie Boys? I always thought that was why people called him that.
  4. M

    Post-Apocalyptic books

    Good Post-Apocolyptic Novel The Passage, by Justin Cronin. It's kind of long winded in places, but the book overall is very good. The setting is that the world has been overrun by pseudo-vampires, created by a military project gone awry. A pretty good read and a nice change of...
  5. M

    The Rybicki Maneuver

    An excellent piece. I'm glad someone is finally taking game "reviewers" to task. The only game in recent memory that I can remember getting a real and frank review that seemed to be on the mark was Doom 3. Other than that, most reviewers seem to be brown-nosing sicofants. I suppose they are...