Recent content by mdf_365

  1. mdf_365

    The Age of Decadence has now been released

    This game does look interesting. Have to take a deeper look at it
  2. mdf_365

    Everything in Fallout 4 looks too new

    Settlement building could be interesting but populating the settlements is the critical component regarding story. Are the new citizens war refugees? companions? or just people you can get to follow you out into the waste without any motive or trust building incident?
  3. mdf_365

    What was your first RPG?

    Dragon Warrior on NES for video games Dark Tower, though not a traditional RPG like D&D. There was adventure, asset management and a huge boss battle at the end. Plus, you could play with 3 other friends. Also Risk is awesome and can get really interesting if you introduce required objectives...
  4. mdf_365

    Perception Fallout 4 SPECIAL video

    One thing I'll say: given how much material we've seen since the FO4 announcement, it's amazing how little we actually know about this game. Beth has done a good job of keeping the longer plot elements underwraps.
  5. mdf_365

    Is the US a shitty place to live?

    Are the economic issues affecting Greece, Spain, Ireland etc a result of poor native governmental policy or is it a symptom of the larger EU policies? Has Greece been saddled with debt top down or bottom up? I'm trying to wrap my head around what analog for this exists in the US's state &...
  6. mdf_365

    Is the US a shitty place to live?

    Isn't this everywhere? Not sure it's exclusive to the US. Is it more complex to "fix" socio-economic issues in Europe due to the EU and national governments? Does it work in a similar way to State/federal here in the US? Seems like there are many similarities between the two when you...
  7. mdf_365

    Is the US a shitty place to live?

    The US, like many other developed nations, has amazing parts and a David Lynchian underbelly. The crime and class inequality are microcosms of global trends. Work hard and maybe your kids can come up if they do too. If you aren't willing to play the social game, there's a good chance you could...
  8. mdf_365

    Xbox One vs PS4 What Console Is Better?

    Have to go with the PS4 for the reasons other people endorsed here. Additionally, it seems like PS4 will have the first native VR experience - which is something I'm really interested in after getting a chance to check out a few visors.
  9. mdf_365

    Chris Avellone leaves Obsidian

    Sounds feasible...prolly make a load of old school PC gamers really happy to see some thing like that happen.
  10. mdf_365

    Chris Avellone leaves Obsidian

    Utter speculation: Or what if he is acting as the liaison between Beth and whoever does the spinoff title?
  11. mdf_365

    So Our Protagonist Is Over 200 Years Old

    And this becomes the primary conflict regarding faction choice (or vice versa) for the PC - touching/complex moments all around. Can you still identify the kid as your kin or are they too far removed from your genetics (or the opposite of this situation).
  12. mdf_365

    Community campaign to push Bethesda into letting Obsidian do a Fallout spin-off

    Behavior Interactive is also involved with Fallout Shelter in some capacity. If you have the game, hit the credits and scroll down a bit. Not a stretch to think they could get a shot at a larger game.
  13. mdf_365

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    That's good news about the mods, still leaning towardsPS4 because it looks like Morpheus will be the only console native VR experience.
  14. mdf_365

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links

    Yeah, I was just pointing out that they had a track record with Beth. Kinda can see the nurture path (Port --> Mobile --> Full Title) but I'm not sure they have the capacity for it. I'd rather see some crazy Obsidian/inXile hybrid make a bid/plea for a spinoff - if they could carry the load...
  15. mdf_365

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links Looks like they worked on the port of Wolfenstein New Order to PS3/360