Recent content by Mercuryrises

  1. M

    Fallout 1 VS Fallout 2

    Tough one. I love Fallout 1 because it was the first, it was different to what I had played at the time, and because frankly, I played it end over end. I'd happily finish it with a Hulk type character, then start right over with a different style of character. Fallout 2 I also love, because it...
  2. M

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hi guys, thanks for the add. I've been a fallout fan since the start, still love it now. Can't say why, even the change to FPS hasn't phased me, the whole mythology/idea captivates me. Hope I can input something useful to the forum Del
  3. M

    Whats worse- Fallout 1 and 2 elitists or Fallout 3 fanboy kids?

    I know I'm a lowly noob, so y'all probably don't really care: I've loved fallout since the first Demo on the PC, I mean I played that demo ever which way you can imagine. Fallouts 1 and 2 are my all time favourite games, played them both more times than I can count, and probably will continue...
  4. M

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    A demo disc on a PC mag many many years ago!