Recent content by Mettle

  1. M

    50 Minutes of 76

    Ten. What happened 7 years ago was the body twitching from the attempted CPR, so bethesda put a bullet in it's brainpan and killed it proper.
  2. M

    50 Minutes of 76

    Funny how I thought Fallout had reached rock bottom nearly a decade ago. They've managed to polish away all the things that lacked mass appeal, and now all that's left is a skinsack filled with turds.
  3. M

    Perception Fallout 4 SPECIAL video

    [CHA 8]It's an open bolt, clearly.
  4. M

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    Yeah, the biggest problem would probably be loading screens; I think people are more or less allergic to it. Also; Bethsofts customers are used to their special kind of cramped worlds filled with "interesting" places to discover. Having a world map system, that'd either be automatic or statbased...
  5. M

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    Kind of ironic, is'nt it? The company that made that game, makes some of the most cramped games I've ever encountered. I really wish they'd use the real worldspace to actually make some interesting locations and use a travelmap to move between locations like the classics.
  6. M

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    It's been a while, but I seem to remember them saying the exact same thing about Fallout 3. Todd says alot of things.
  7. M

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links

    It's dead, and there's only trace DNA left of it from all of the flesh, bone and gristle that Bethsoft has scrubbed it of by now. Yeah, quite possibly, wich is quite depressing in it's own right. The new TES games requires you to tune your brain into LARP mode and pretend things are happening...
  8. M

    Favorite Stand up Comedian?

    Steve Hughes and Billy Connolly are pretty good aswell, and I'm sad that noone has mentioned Tim Minchin!
  9. M

    Shadowrun returns (on kickstarter)

    What Hassknecht says, yeah, and any future DLC's ofcourse.
  10. M

    Shadowrun returns (on kickstarter)

    I don't mind them selling through steam, aslong as there is an option not to use it. Now, if you want to get the games DLC's, you're going to have to use Steam. Not having a choice is a bad, bad thing. And helping Steam get a bigger market share is even worse.
  11. M

    Shadowrun returns (on kickstarter)

    All the tier rewards I looked at mentioned "DRM-free", but that is'nt the main problem. You're not getting full access if you get the DRM-free version from their website; You have to get the Steam version if you want mods or DLC's. What they've done is similar to Shareware of old - except...
  12. M

    Shadowrun returns (on kickstarter)

    Shadowrun returns won't be entirely drm-free after all. As someone that hates Steam as much as all other forms of online DRM's, I'm glad that I was broke when the kickstarter for this was up, not that it makes me any less angry. I think that it's dishonest to no end what they've done. Alot...
  13. M

    Battlefield 4

    Yes, playing against the bots on MP maps was great fun. They could put a tenth of the money spent on SP to make som awesome bots instead. And this makes them less of a Battlefield factory... how? Also, I never said or hinted that I thought addons are bad. I yearn for the expansionpacks...
  14. M

    What PC Gamer wants from Fallout 4

    Edit; Nothing, except even more control of the market to Valve. @Arden; Sneaky bastard. :(
  15. M

    Battlefield 4

    Hehe, always made me think of this scene from Hot Shots part Deux.