Recent content by mithrap

  1. mithrap

    Let's Get Pathetic! Hottest video game characters?

    Exactly. Because they are presented as individuals, sums of many more things than just their sex, religion, sexual preferences or whatever. Current inclusion reduces minorities to their single minority trait, forgetting that NOBODY is defined by a single trait. You could have a gay guy who's a...
  2. mithrap

    Escapist Magazine calls Bethesda killers of Fallout

    Fallout would have been revived without Bethesda's involvement. Troika or Obsidian would have bought the franchise. To Bethesda's credits, they successfully turned a niche restaurant into McDonalds. It is technically a success, but I wouldn't call that a good thing. Plenty of recent games use...
  3. mithrap

    Play Fallout 76 because...

    The mental image of Todd Howard as a Hellraiser Cenobite will never leave my mind, now. "We have such glitches to show you!"
  4. mithrap

    What did the Vault Dweller do in Junktown that was so terrible?

    I see things this way : helping Killian is the good moral choice, but it ultimately leads to spying, and executing (bad) people in cold blood, with no good repercussions on the future of the city, as it stays in a stagnant situation while the rest of the state evolves. Helping Gizmo on the other...
  5. mithrap

    I'm entirely rewriting Fallout 4's story.

    (Hidden for Spoilers)
  6. mithrap

    I'm entirely rewriting Fallout 4's story.

    (Hidden for Spoilers)
  7. mithrap

    Your GOTY 2018

    That's... a new approach I didn't consider until now. And it just works ! This year, I played a lot of Hearts of Iron IV (with the mod "Old World Blues", which turns it into a Fallout Strategy Game), Kingdom Come and Frostpunk.
  8. mithrap

    Things Fallout 76 did right 1#: The Brotherhood of Steel

    More than stockpile of nuclear armaments, actually. These are silos with nuclear missiles that actually build themselves, over, and over, and over. Which means that any faction that can claim the Appalachian just... wins. Just imagine if the Enclave took control over it, or Mr.House, or the...
  9. mithrap

    Legion Territory Speculation

    Unless the successor was choosen by the self crowned god-king himself, with the support of whatever group holds the cult of mars together (the twin mothers, maybe?). Which is possible. It wouldn't prevent the ambitions of the potential usurpers, but in the hearts of the common legionaries, that...
  10. mithrap

    Legion Territory Speculation

    I'm not sure of that. If you kill Caesar with Boone, he clearly says that in the end, it doesn't change much, because Caesar had a succession line ready. He could have children waiting for him at Flagstaff, or a designated heir. We don't know anything more, because the game wasn't focused on the...
  11. mithrap

    Things Fallout 76 did right 1#: The Brotherhood of Steel

    Yes, but that's another problem per se. If the western brotherhood could be in touch with the eastern via radio : -How come the western brotherhood never came into contact with the midwest brotherhood ? We know they still exist (and if satellite communications were possible, you can bet they...
  12. mithrap

    I'm entirely rewriting Fallout 4's story.

    (Hidden for Spoilers)
  13. mithrap

    Fallout 5 Predictions

    Problem is, they'd have trouble having a story in San Francisco with their current engine, which has trouble dealing with more than 20 NPCs in the same cell. The day Bethesda can render a believable city hasn't come yet (remember Riverwood ? It's supposed to be a city state, the greatest...
  14. mithrap

    Oxhorn: a solid Reference for Fallout Lore.

    I've got nothing personal against him or his fanbase, but I also can't stand his style of narration. I can't exactly put words on why, but it always sounds cringy to me. The storyteller has a more concise style and his voice doesn't piss me off.
  15. mithrap

    Fallout 1 versus Fallout 2

    Fallout 2 is more centered around new civilizations than around your personal journey, which is something I really like, but it also make for a more impersonal story than F1. Every single town is so different from another, and yet, they interact with each other in a believable way (the whole...