Recent content by Monad

  1. Monad

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Meme about commercials, a clean 5/10
  2. Monad

    Anyone think they have cool ideas for a new fallout game?

    I was actually in a Group doing a Conversion thinking about Hawaii but stopped when the lead left. I'm making a Conversion in Washington and was thinking about an outpost where it will grow based on the characters choices, and new road vehicles and police scouting areas near seattle.
  3. Monad

    Creating Unique Items for Fallout 2 Modding

    Hello All, I've made a basic comprehensive guide for new beginners just starting on how to get personal made art into the game mapper for fallout 2. It was quite tedious starting out from scratch and figuring out how to relatively get newly made items to be both in the inventory of the ingame...
  4. Monad

    Idea for Fallout 1/2 mod: Add a pump action shotgun?

    Make your own pump action shotgun with accessories.
  5. Monad

    New World Map for Fallout 2?

    From what I understand bmp2frm is the casual way to do it, I do it that way as well. Quite tedious if you say so going through each individual bmp but its sure to work.