Recent content by monsharen

  1. monsharen

    Fallout76 Language Changer (MS Store Version)

    I did approve the thread after reviewing the bat file contents, but I do encourage anyone who downloads anything off Github to do the same before executing it on your machine. If you don't know what you're looking at just ask for help. Stay safe everyone. Also, welcome to the forum Limpster...
  2. monsharen

    The Original Fallout Games Deserve The Diablo 2: Resurrected Treatment

    You were too quick to respond for me. I edited my post slightly to clarify. The kids were technically there but invisible to get past EU approvals as you say. Bethesda took this a bit further and then a sidestep when they chose to heavily feature unkillable kids instead. Strange choice. Kids...
  3. monsharen

    The Original Fallout Games Deserve The Diablo 2: Resurrected Treatment

    It's worth clarifying that the European versions of the original games didn't "feature" kids (they were hidden/removed). It was somewhat of a problem before Bethesda.
  4. monsharen

    The Original Fallout Games Deserve The Diablo 2: Resurrected Treatment

    IGN's Director of Reviews, Dan Stapleton, is making a case for a Fallout remaster. It's a decent read!
  5. monsharen

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    This thread is bloody toxic. Shill please.
  6. monsharen

    Fallout renewed for another season

    Fallout has offically been renewed for another season.
  7. monsharen

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    Some positivity: I am really excited about the liberties they seem to have had making this show. I'm halfway in and surprised to see how the gore isn't forcefully there but used in the storytelling (amputating leg. the finger). To see jokes like the wettest woman go past approvals is wild...
  8. monsharen

    New Fallout trailer

    I understand your viewpoint. Appears they are trying to elevate themselves by pointing out their own perceived flaws due to an immense feeling of guilt. A desperate attempt to fit in, by kicking and screaming on X. White people complaining about white people is otherwise fine and natural. I...
  9. monsharen

    Fallout Watch Party Tonight

    Yes, it's unfortunate that this is where we are. Paid media munch. I will be watching the entire thing though and I do believe it will be a good show. Some good actors. Gore and laughs. It will be fine. Just wish they had bought a different franchise.
  10. monsharen

    Fallout Watch Party Tonight

    I think it could be a great show, but seeing things like the following RT review just undermines the trust so badly. Stop throwing things like this in my face! It hurts.
  11. monsharen

    Fallout Watch Party Tonight

    Amazon is hosting a live watch party starting at 5.30 PM PT on April 10th, to celebrate the premiere of Fallout, the TV series. You will be able to select a faction and interact with other participants via chat. A live stream of episode 1 starts at 6 PM PT. To join, head over to Amazon and...
  12. monsharen

    This is Fallout, the TV show

    Words about how Fallout the new Fallout TV show is. The hype train is in full motion! Entire first season will release on Amazon Prime on April 11th. Update: Premiere has been rescheduled to April 10th.
  13. monsharen

    Scene from Fallout TV show

    Certainly not in Fallout 1. In Fallout 2 maybe. In Fallout 3 and beyond, sure.
  14. monsharen

    Scene from Fallout TV show

    It's a missed opportunity isn't it? It would have been impactful to have a main character care about their appearance, at the cost of having their increasingly disgruntled gang members scavenge and hoard beauty products (do such things have expiry dates?). The contrast would have worked. Even...
  15. monsharen

    Scene from Fallout TV show

    Thanks for sharing this! I converted your post into a news item so welcome to the front page :salute: