Recent content by nemetoad

  1. N

    Did you "screwed up" on your first playthrough?

    Rough estimate, really. And blowing up the Power Plant was when I didn't want to :P I had a lot of fun trying to negotiate and fix the relationship between Vault City and Gecko.
  2. N

    Fallout: New Vegas E3 previews

    It's not so much about having a rapid fix to having something you can casually play between work, family, etc. I mean take... Fallout 1, and then add in the fact you have about 30 minutes a day to play it. Within that 30 minutes of your first time playing it, not being used to the system or...
  3. N

    Did you "screwed up" on your first playthrough?

    Fallout 1: - First major screwup was my first time playing the game. I got to Junktown and met Gizmo, who offered me a good deal for killing Darkwater. So I killed his assassins while at Kilian's shop. He thanked me....then I killed him, looted the shot as much as possible because I wanted...
  4. N

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    I thought that about adventure games, then Capcom released Phoenix Wright and Telltale has begun making a ton of them as well. Until then there was a decent fanmade community D: Good computer RPGs will pop up again. Then again, last one I played was... Neverwinter Nights? Probably the closest...
  5. N

    Gamespot's Fallout: New Vegas Demo at E3

    Aye, I do have a problem with that myself. It's more of an issue that outside Megaton and Rivet City they left "settlements" with bare essential NPCs for quests. Of the settlements the two that are the most interesting in design were Canterbury Commons (Ignoring the wannabe superheroes that is)...
  6. N

    where to put this?! [FO3 game challenge blog]

    You have a point about the CHA and speech skills. It's mostly for gaining bonuses for doing quests I guess. High speech gives you a bunch of extra caps, that's about it. If you really want a challenge, do no-weapons with Fallout3 Wanderers Edition installed. Nothing like running into a...
  7. N

    Gamespot's Fallout: New Vegas Demo at E3

    That...doesn't sum up anything. All three examples here happened when the rest of the world was still functioning, able to give immediate aid, and NOT struggling to survive. Also, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were hit by very early designed nuclear weapons (atomic bombs) that are about 1/100th the...
  8. N

    Should i buy fallout 3?

    The underwear has always bothered me... They'd be better off dividing people up into different cultures, then sub group different races from there. Gives more room for variation and ability to make things more unique. I say buy it, but go PC. It isn't that horrible of a game and far more...
  9. N

    Super Mutants

    Well I think it is important to note that the Super Mutants in Fallout 3 were attempting the same thing, but in a dumber manner to say the least. Assume they were born from a mutagen used in the experiment of Vault 87, whether it be FEV or something new (the progam's name, EEP, can remain either...
  10. N

    Super Mutants

    Visually you somewhat get a hierarchy, but yeah. Honestly I'd like to see a blend of sub-factions myself and visually distinct territories. In Fallout 3 I didn't mind the Raiders so much as their presentation of what appeared to be aggressive punks that are all apparently permanently on some...
  11. N

    Super Mutants

    There's ways around that too though. Probably would require a duck-and-cover system to be in place though, meaning a need for a more complicated combat system and AI capabilities. I only suggest that because...well, how does one show "smarts" in combat if their only limits are to run, fire, or yell?
  12. N

    Super Mutants

    Well apparently trying to make a distinction between the smarter and dumber ones in New Vegas at least (See: Tabitha.) However the major problem that arises is the fact that no matter how smart they look in dialogue, if you attack them all you'll get is a dumb AI Mutant :P What would be...
  13. N

    Super Mutants

    While the idea sounds a lot more interesting then generic hate-all Super Mutants that are already present, that would cause more issues in regards to their origin. Fallout 1 and 2 have both established the rarity of an intelligent Super Mutant - Lou and Marcus coming to mind. Frank too, but he...
  14. N

    Super Mutants

    The trouble is the fact that Fallout has been plagued with cheap plot devices from the beginning. FEV was used to pretty much explain everything in Fallout 1 and continued to play a major role in threats in Fallout 2. Why? Because it's a fictional chemical. Why create three thousand fictional...
  15. N

    Super Mutants

    Valid points, Dutch Ghost. Valid points. I admit myself wrong and walk away then. However, I really wouldn't say Vault 87 isn't completely off-base from the original concepts. Probably just another excuse to use FEV though, The midichlorin to all things normally unexplainable in Fallout :P