Recent content by Nim82

  1. N

    The Pitt DLC released, only not

    Hm, don't know if I buy "corrupt file", seems like them trying to shift the blame. From what I've read, it sounds more like Bethesda sent an unfinished revision of the mod file off to be published. The DLC is just a single container file that resides in the data directory, usually. If that's...
  2. N

    Fallout 3 podcast and subway

    Nah, the underground routes are far shorter, you can travel a few yards underground and think you will exit fairly close to where you first entered - only to pop out at the other end of the city, miles away. Dr Who would be well impressed.
  3. N

    naked mod

    Last I read they said they weren't interested in releasing one this time, as it was hassle they could do without. Joy.
  4. N

    Josan12's new Fallout 2 animations showcase

    More newsworthy than "yet another FO3 hands on" imo. They look very nice, particularly the shooting ones which are pure awesome.
  5. N

    More Fallout 3 Gameplay Footage

    I doubt they could get away with releasing a TES game without mod tools, but I could easily see them not releasing any for Fallout 3. It's going to have a slightly different audience, they can argue it's a more complex less sandboxy world (less suited to modding), plus they are planning a...
  6. N

    More Fallout 3 Gameplay Footage

    I concur, it was almost as annoying as the cringe inducing presenters/crowd whooping. The only thing I liked in that video was that Todd defended the PC as a platform, to an obviously console centric crowd. But that really isn't saying much...
  7. N

    Fallout 3 first footage

    It's funny that id's Rage trailer managed to get away with showing more ingame dialogue...
  8. N

    Fallout 3 first footage

    I'd ruled it out as an RPG ages ago, but assumed they may still produce a relatively enjoyable shooter (albeit one I wouldn't touch). But looking at that video, it doesn't even look remotely fun as a shooter, you can tell they haven't had much experience in doing 'gunplay' before... (since...
  9. N

    “Save Jericho” Petition

    I guess the fans didn't supply enough nuts.
  10. N

    Blast from the past: june 1996 project GURPS preview

    Nice article, love the clay heads. Don't recall seeing pictures of them before (not that I looked, mind). Hope someone kept them, be a shame if they got binned.
  11. N

    Merry Christmas from Bethesda

    Card doesn't look next-gen, needs more bloom.
  12. N

    Bioshock meets Fallout, or not?

    There are winks as you state, but not every game featuring a dope fish was inspired by Commander Keen. Maybe I'm blind, but beyond the nods, I never really noticed much else pointing to Fallout as a source. The setting is very Jules Verne, there's also a fair few Lovecraftian references...
  13. N

    Bioshock meets Fallout, or not?

    Is it not possible that they were inspired by the sources that inspired Fallout itself? Fallout didn't pioneer retro-future/art-deco nor did it invent the 1950s. There's plenty of period comics, films and novels featuring similar settings. The Indian head logo, for instance, was broadcast on...
  14. N

    Inside the Vault - Clara Struthers

    I've got no problem with newbs as long as they have talent, but given she admits she didn't even draw previously. I suspect that isn't the case here. A good artist knows how to construct a visually interesting scene, a bad/average artist just knows what buttons to press. I'm not totally sure...
  15. N

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Nuclear Snow

    Doesn't look that different to what you can get playing with some cards preset shader settings, that apply to everything. Not sure I'd want to play an entire game like that.