Recent content by Not Lost Hope

  1. N

    [Fallout 2] Detailed stats of NPCs
  2. N

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion) ..Ehh well the wiki is wrong, it's not optional. The high res patch is a necessary part of the RP. ...changed the wiki :P
  3. N

    Question about FSE & Windows Explorer integration

    Now I don't know what "C:\Program Files\FSE\FSE.exe %1" means but I can change windows 7's file associations in Control Panel->All Control Panel Items->Default Programs. Do you mean that when you click on the file FSE opens but doesn't quite open the file for editing like you'd want? If so...
  4. N

    So are the first two games worth playing?

    The games pretty much suck ass; that's why these forums have been here for a decade, to discuss how much they suck.
  5. N

    Custom PA for Vic

    Doesn't Vic do the thing where as an idle animation he takes off his helmet and wipes off sweat? He's just a bit more smart than some of the others and likes to keep it on for combat.
  6. N

    Fallout Collection and Windows 7

    You could try this for Fallout
  7. N

    F1 High Res Patch, Can't set custom res

    I don't have either Fallout installed right now on this comp (I know right?), but I recall being able to set the actual display resolution separately from what the game used. So my monitor would use 1920x1200 to display 960x600. I think I had to set one thing in sfall's .ini and the other in the...
  8. N

    Awesome Fallout Shirt!

    I'd wear a t-shirt with a giant Yes Man face on it. Not the full gimmick, blue with a screen on it, just the face as big as possible.
  9. N

    10 best games.

    UFO/X-com Fallout Grand theft auto Civilization Pirates! Planescape: Torment Total war (Shogun, Rome mostly) Diablo Wing commander Shadow of the colossus
  10. N

    Strategy games (recommend me some if you please)

    I think you should try Age of wonders. The combat is a bit more involved than in Disciples. You've still got towns and characters to develop. Other than that... Surprised no one mentioned this :P Master of magic is fantasy Civ. Give it a try. Fun to try and break the game and come...
  11. N

    Akinator, the Web Genius

    (american male famous not from the Internet) 14: Is your character a TV host? Yes. 15: Is your character red-haired? Yes. . . . Is your character Brazilian? Does he wear a glove? :shock: So who's this red-headed brazilian-american TV host with a glove and why didn't it...
  12. N

    Im considering to buy NV but there are some things...

    I've done one playthrough on the PC and didn't get crashes.
  13. N

    So in the end, did the Super Mutants add to anything?

    You'd think so, but if you look closely there's a lot of misspelling going on around here, so I figured I should be a smartass about it.
  14. N

    So in the end, did the Super Mutants add to anything?

    I've seen very little cannons in the fallout games I've played. You opened up that one place in F2 with a howitzer, which I guess counts as a cannon, but I still don't get it why half the guys in this thread go on and on about cannons.