Recent content by NotZak

  1. NotZak

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    Anyone can edit anything on IMDB
  2. NotZak

    Things you like from Fallout 3

    I worded my point poorly and think there are more than one issue in the Bethesda titles but I think anyone with half a brain would be able to tell from by post that I'm not exactly fond of Bethesda's writing.
  3. NotZak

    Things you like from Fallout 3

    That's literally what I just said
  4. NotZak

    Things you like from Fallout 3

    Honestly the people who argue about the lore and retcons are really gay, the only issue is Bethesda homogenizing the entirety of the setting and sucking out all the intrigue of what would be happening in another state by making everything Enclave vs Brotherhood
  5. NotZak

    Watch this if you want any hopes you might have for Starfield instantly crushed.

    If done like StarSector where they have a cluster of premade planets with randomly generated planets for you to dick around in surrounding them it could be fun.
  6. NotZak

    Reddit's thoughts on Fallout 3

    What happen to my le heckin' wholesome 100 good guy Brotherhood???
  7. NotZak

    Is A New Bioshock Game Even Necessary?

    System Shock 3 is in the hands of the Chinese overlords over at Tencent
  8. NotZak

    Is A New Bioshock Game Even Necessary?

    Bioshock is ok but played it way too safe, Bioshock 2 is basically a standalone expansion and from what I've heard Bioshock infinite is just a linear shooter. System Shock 2 is better in every regard though.
  9. NotZak

    Is A New Bioshock Game Even Necessary?

    Honestly I'm more excited about this mystery game Ken Levine is working on at ghost story games.
  10. NotZak

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    I can go on IMDB right now and add a plot synopsis for episode 2 that says it's 25 minutes of big black oily men bathing and nothing can stop me. It's fake.
  11. NotZak

    Fallout 4 goes Skyrim with infinite re-releases

    They shut down in 2005
  12. NotZak

    Fallout 4 goes Skyrim with infinite re-releases

    They were never planning to buy the IP by themselves, they wanted to find a publisher to fund the purchase of the IP and development game but they couldn't. That demo was made and used to pitch the game to publishers.
  13. NotZak

    Fallout 4 goes Skyrim with infinite re-releases

    I will stop criticizing them as role playing games when Bethesda stops calling them role playing games