Recent content by President_Peaches

  1. President_Peaches

    The waxy look is another reason why I don't like FCO. No idea why they think realistic=shiny...

    The waxy look is another reason why I don't like FCO. No idea why they think realistic=shiny, like in "realistic" shaders for minecraft the ground gets a wet texture when it rains and it looks like its covered in aluminium foil.
  2. President_Peaches

    Well everywhere else on the internet seems to love sucking Beth's dick so its nice to have some...

    Well everywhere else on the internet seems to love sucking Beth's dick so its nice to have some balance.
  3. President_Peaches

    there doesn't seem to be a mod out there that add lots more beards and normal hairstyles except...

    there doesn't seem to be a mod out there that add lots more beards and normal hairstyles except FCO (and I don't like how they unnecessarily changed the appearance of every NPC in that mod)
  4. President_Peaches

    The "hairs" clipping into everything... There are hairstyles that are actually work without hair...

    The "hairs" clipping into everything... There are hairstyles that are actually work without hair physics (afros, short braids, that hipster dude bro thing) but no, the priority is making female characters look like barbie dolls.
  5. President_Peaches

    Bethesda: Nuclear war is so fun and zany!

    Bethesda: Nuclear war is so fun and zany!
  6. President_Peaches

    There are few things worse than long hair models in a game without hair physics.

    There are few things worse than long hair models in a game without hair physics.
  7. President_Peaches

    Unpopular Fallout Opinions

    That makes much more sense, the "Bull and the Bear" stuff coming from tribal culture that has seen those symbols but doesn't fully understand the meaning behind them. He talks of the Old World and history, but has only a loose, uneducated grasp on the subject. But I still find him annoying, like...
  8. President_Peaches

    Isn't that just mods in general? Imagine if all the time and effort put in to "sexy" mods by...

    Isn't that just mods in general? Imagine if all the time and effort put in to "sexy" mods by neckbeard modders was put into something useful or creative instead...
  9. President_Peaches

    Unpopular Fallout Opinions

    The design of the collapsed structures was the one thing I found cool about the DLC (except when the tilted floors gave me motion sickness) Like the Sierra Madra villa, it was nice to have some tightly-packed verticality in the level design. While Uylesses is a character who is not far from...
  10. President_Peaches

    Unpopular Fallout Opinions

    Lonesome Road is complete shit. Its just a slog through a linear shooting gallery, with no decent characters or stories to balance it out. I can't stand Ulysses' edgy faux-intellectual ramblings and cutesy-coo ED-E made me want to puke. What made it worse for me was that I enjoyed the base game...
  11. President_Peaches

    I use this clunky bit of software mostly bc im too lazy to use something better now.

    I use this clunky bit of software mostly bc im too lazy to use something better now.
  12. President_Peaches

    After only 20 years of neglect... or how post apocaliptia shouldn't look like.

    That house is actually in very rough shape for having been abandoned in the 1990s, it is severely weather damaged by the stormy, wet Cornish winters. How well structures are preserved is hugely dependent on climate, weather exposure and vandalism. The arid climate in Nevada and the radioactive...
  13. President_Peaches

    I talking about games being more than just mindless escapist entertainment, thats why...

    I talking about games being more than just mindless escapist entertainment, thats why "political" is in inverted commas. Besides stuff like COD has an agenda and gamers aren't complaining about that.
  14. President_Peaches

    Its not just overtly political stuff like Wolfenstein (and not every game should be like that)...

    Its not just overtly political stuff like Wolfenstein (and not every game should be like that) there are actually neckbeards triggered when games try to be thought-provoking.
  15. President_Peaches

    Why does this website dislike Fallout 3 so much?

    The reason LL exists is that the "society of children" is another post-apocalyptic clique that Bethesda just had to squeeze in. Its on the level of bad YA fiction writing.