The only film I could ever stand him in was Donnie Darko. And I think it was more liking everything else about this film, not really him.
Plus, video game movies STILL blow. Just in case anyone forgot.
Yes. I didn't think of "The Gunslinger". I actually thought that should have stood alone instead of being turned into what turned out to be a highly disappointing series.
Stephen King also had a few apocalyptic short stories in some of his collections, if you want to go that route. I vaguely...
I don't go all crazy about what buildings would be destroyed and what would stand and where. It's a game after all. But the story BLOWS. The atmosphere is there and the explorations (sometimes, since the usual payoff is, well, nothing) decent. But once you explore enough, it all becomes the...
Ah, the good old days.
That and blowing on a console cartridge for about 45 minutes to play.
And being able to drop a deuce while waiting for a web page to load on dial up.
"The Mist" by Stephen King? You mentioned novella. That's the only one I can think of, even though it's absolutely nothing like Fallout. And it might be "During-Apocalyptic" instead of "Post".
There's no reason not to get at least a state id. I believe it's a legal requirement in most states now to always carry around proof of identification.
Jesus, just fork over the 20-30 dollars and get/renew something.