Recent content by Radegast

  1. Radegast

    Fallout 1 Rebuild Vault 13 project (working title)

    Fallout 1 has been reverse-engineered already:
  2. Radegast

    Hacking on fallout2-ce

    Hacking on fallout2-ce
  3. Radegast

    Reverse engineering Fallout 2

    clone repository in Visual Studio 2019 click on menu File → Open → CMake... select CMakeLists.txt from the downloaded repository click on menu Build → Build All...
  4. Radegast

    Reverse engineering Fallout 2

    Yes! From what Alexander wrote he wants to take a similar approach as the Devilution project which is a reverse-engineered engine of Diablo 1. They also recreated the original engine with all its bugs and limitations. When that was done a new spin-off project called DevilutionX was created which...
  5. Radegast

    Dims mapper troubleshooting

    I archived my fork of the Dims Mapper and I will keep it in my repositories in case Mr. Stalin takes the original down. I did not merge the fixes as I don't have the virtual machine with Windows installed anymore so I couldn't test them. In my opinion, Dims Mapper was an amazing piece of...
  6. Radegast

    Dims mapper troubleshooting

    Great catch! I would have never figured it out. I remember noticing these commented-out lines but unfortunately, my brain will never understand how bitwise operations work so I did not even bother trying to understand what it does. The GECK map editor I am working on (which is basically a...
  7. Radegast

    Dims mapper troubleshooting

    I submitted a patch for the Epax and Easter maps to @Mr.Stalin on Github. Hopefully, loading some FO1 maps should be fixed as well, but I haven't tested all of them. There seem to be so many issues with EPAMain maps that it is a miracle that map loads within the game. I just don't understand it.
  8. Radegast

    Dims mapper troubleshooting

    Not really. The Easter and Epax maps now load fine but there are so many issues with the Epamain maps that I doubt I will figure them all out. At least I upgraded the project to the latest C++ Builder so it will look a bit nicer on newer OSes and I won't need to run Windows XP virtual machine...
  9. Radegast

    Dims mapper troubleshooting

    You aren't talking about the tile issue, are you? Because tile IDs directly correspond to line indexes in tiles.lst and there is no other logic for them (as far as I can tell). The other bug in was not in getting the FRM ID but how the critters.lst file was parsed. I got the BIS...
  10. Radegast

    Dims mapper troubleshooting

    I am working on a new map editor and I am using Dims Mapper's source code as a reference. The issue with was in how critters.lst is parsed. The Restoration Project added several new FRMs without comma-separated indexes to this file. If anyone wants to give it a try here is a fixed...
  11. Radegast

    Fallout 2 utility New map editor - GECK

    I agree. If I had the skills and if Alexey would approve my pull requests then it would be an ideal solution. Unfortunately, Falltergeist is not being actively developed at the moment and my pull requests are usually ignored, so this is the next best thing.
  12. Radegast

    Fallout 2 utility New map editor - GECK

    Hi, for the past few months I have been working on a new map editor for Fallout 2 (and potentially Fallout 1). At the current stage, it is only a little more than a proof of concept. However, I am quite confident that it will become a viable replacement for the aging BIS Mapper one day. Link...
  13. Radegast

    FO/FO2 Map Viewer

    I take my hat off to you for making this in 2013. I am also working on a Fallout 2 map editor but nowadays it is a completely different story when we have most of the data formats reverse-engineered and documented on various wikis. What's more, we even have an open-source F2 engine...
  14. Radegast

    Fallout and Fallout 2 Barter Formula?

    Hey NovaRain, I would like to implement the barter formula into the Falltergeist engine based on your research. I already figured out the script modifier is set through gdialog_mod_barter(modifier), but where does the Master Trader perk come from? Are perk modifiers also set through some SSL...
  15. Radegast

    Cross platform fallout

    wow, Timeslip, how did you manage to port Fallout to Mac and linux? Did you find its source code somewhere in the depths of internet? From time to time I get urge to write a Fallout 1/2 engine port, like FIFE once aimed to do, but I wouldn't even know how to reverse engineer its data files.