Recent content by Ratty Sr.

  1. Ratty Sr.

    Florida Man!

    This is awesome: Florida man in custody after landing helicopter on White House lawn Sword attacks occur surprisingly frequently in Florida.
  2. Ratty Sr.

    Daggerfall's plot has no right to being as good as it is

    I thought the game was in development for three years. At least that's what I remember reading in reviews when the game came out in 1996. Even with such a respectable dev time, many of the creators' ambitions were never realized. But yes, Daggerfall was tremendously well-written, with a deeply...
  3. Ratty Sr.

    'Funny' error messages and why I hate them

    I agree, especially on Chrome error messages. Having a page crash on me isn't "cute" and seeing a fucking pixelated emoji doesn't make me feel any less annoyed. What would make me feel less annoyed are instructions on how to fix the damn problem. Incidentally, Google is really bad at giving...
  4. Ratty Sr.

    Interview the person below you

    Questions: 1. An extremely large pizza. 2. Myself 18 years ago, so I can beat some wisdom into the little shit. 3. Definitely not this one. 4. Thomas Beekers. Answers: 1. What's your all-time favorite game? 2. Which Fallout game did you play first? 3. Fallout 3, more like Failout 3, amirite...
  5. Ratty Sr.

    Per plays a game: Albion

    There is an aching wound in my heart where Per used to be. :(
  6. Ratty Sr.

    North Korea Invades the United States

    Hah! No. That's totalitarian regimes being totalitarian regimes. That's North Korea being the worst of them. In the entire post-WWII history it's hard to find a regime that has been more bellicose in its rhetoric and behavior, more callous in its disregard for international law, more brazen in...
  7. Ratty Sr.

    North Korea Invades the United States

    I see the virus of antiamericanitis has claimed another victim. First of all, it's disingenuous to mention Iraq and Libya in the same sentence. Iraq was attacked because the US saw an opportunity to get rid of a hostile and capricious regime; their phantom WMD programme was used as a...
  8. Ratty Sr.

    North Korea Invades the United States

    Indeed. Whatever military power you think North Korea might possess, divide that by ten, and you might be closer to what it can realistically do. In a hypothetical war, North Korea would not be fighting one adversary, but three - the US, fuel shortages, and famine. It is the latter two that are...
  9. Ratty Sr.

    Hugo Chavez

    Actually, he only won four. Pffft. Stroessner and Trujillo won like ten each. Paragons of democracy, both of them.
  10. Ratty Sr.

    North Korea Invades the United States

    Any war involving North Korea would be a brief and boring affair. North Korea lacks the food and fuel reserves to keep its vast army supplied for more than a few days, while its outdated technology and dogmatic military doctrine place it at tremendous disadvantage against any modern military...
  11. Ratty Sr.

    Hugo Chavez

    x'il = me 13 years ago, when Tudjman died. As for me now, I feel sorry for Chavez the human, because no one should have to suffer and die like that. However, I have little sympathy for Chavez the politician, and believe Venezuela will be better off without his autocratic rule.
  12. Ratty Sr.

    My screen needs an adapter to connect to my graphic card.

    Can you clarify which ports are on your video card, and which ones are on your monitor? Like Jebus said, you should not be using a VGA port in 2013. Unless your monitor is a billion years old, it should at least have a DVI port, as should your video card.
  13. Ratty Sr.

    Age of Decadence

    Excellent, having presence on Steam from the get-go could make all the difference in terms of commercial success. Thursday can't come soon enough! I hope you made good recovery from that shock.
  14. Ratty Sr.

    Have you seen this man?

    He didn't cause the economic crisis, but he aggravated it, with his shitty policies and plunder of national wealth. Croatia has had constant decline in GDP since late 2008, which is the worst economic performance of any country aside from Greece. This is a cumulative effect of corruption and...