Recent content by Sagez

  1. Sagez

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    Hi, I'll write a larger post later when I'll have time, just wanted to share some bugs (some may be intentional) and thoughts: - you can enter New Caanan but can't leave (no exit grid, just some black void here and there), also there is loot in the church that probably shouldn't be there -...
  2. Sagez

    Wasteland 3 Cult of the Holy Detonation released

    @Proletären can we get news about the release of Ashes:Afterglow? It's awesome.
  3. Sagez

    NMA Olympus 2207 review

    @Keyboard Gecko great job! Did you play Sonora in english? Is there an official translation? edit: umm, sorry, looks like there isn't.
  4. Sagez

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    Brahmins make more sense now, but I didn't know that. Legion guys left them in peace it seems, while I though that they were set free intentionally. Stealing problem is present in random encounters, I'm not sure if it's ok to be able to pickpocket BOS soldiers or caravaneers with such low skill...
  5. Sagez

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    Keep in mind this isn't a complete ''review'' of this version, because so far I wasn't able to get into Brotherhood, but I believe that I'll get there. I think I might need a shiny metal armor to get past certain obstacle. What's great: - Fort Abandon is shaping up to be an interesting place...
  6. Sagez

    Fallout: Yesterday - Third release

    Yes, and that is also awesome.
  7. Sagez

    Fallout: Yesterday - Third release

    Hexer is too humble, he didn't immediately reveal all locations available. There is Reservation, imho one of the most interesting places in the world of Fallout. (location is incomplete, but looks gorgeous. and you can buy nice things there)
  8. Sagez

    Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

    Woah man, this is totally awesome. You could even start a new topic about it, so it won't be forgotten quickly (and so the other modders may use this formula). I'm just afraid that people will post new posts ;) Are all cities covered? Like, what is needed in San Fran and NCR? Thank you, great job.
  9. Sagez

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    Yes, I know about those miniguns - it's cool, but I was thinking about early game weapons for different builds. Right now we can easily get 10mm pistol (small guns skill), sharpened spear/combat knife (melee) and laser pistol (energy). My point is that you won't get a Big Gun so easily, so Big...
  10. Sagez

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    Minor bugs/thoughts: - Eugene probably has one bugged buffout. It is a ''reserved item'' that looks like a regular buffout. - Using repair on Corrections Officers bots may be slightly bugged. I tried it on the first one near the lift on the Metro bar level and text said that I healed hp. Other...
  11. Sagez

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    Started anew. It's just ''Go on'' and dialogue window closes. Thank you too, you make great games!
  12. Sagez

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    Thank you Hexer for another great release. I decided to split this post into two parts, that is bugs/possible bugs and my proposals/wishes. 1. Bugs: - I also get CTD when I interact with holodiscs - Yao guai has robotic bodyparts in aimed shot's window (CPU, frame etc) - Slugs will still...
  13. Sagez

    Fallout: Yesterday - Second release

    Well, let's say that Hexer really did a great job once again. Exploring Tibbets feels great, there is a lot of new content, new areas and this is exactly what I wanted. Not ideal (I'll write a longer post later in Yesterday's thread) but this release a massive improvement over the first one...
  14. Sagez

    The original Fallout 3/Van Buren Phenomenon

    Thanks for votes and comments so far; looks like the majority sees at least some uniqueness in the original concept. I agree with Mr Fish. As much as I like New Vegas, it really is conservative when compared to Van Buren. I must add that I probably also prefer the 2253 timeline, because it...
  15. Sagez

    Van Buren pnp?

    It wasn't completed sadly. Not much to tell. My friend who was playing as a ghoul blow up himself on a mine while he was trying to disarm it. He tried to sneak up on cpt. Pierce in Grand Canyon. I think we played 3 sessions, each session took 3-4 hours. You should definitely award players with...