Recent content by SandmanX

  1. S

    Pop culture reference [SPOILER]

    Really? To me, I had a good laugh because the way they preached and how fanatical they were about such an unorthodox ideology reminded me of Scientology. I think Bethesda was having some fun with pop culture references and I appreciated the fact that even the sign in Megaton referred to the...
  2. S

    What if Fallout 3 was only unfaithful in gameplay?

    I used 'we' just to be tactful to the people who are fanatical about ES:O and think Fallout 3 is the Godfather of RPGs. Truly, I hold much disdain for the whole Elder Scrolls series altogether. I'm glad at least someone shares my sentiments. And yes, Bethesda managed to totally fuck up...
  3. S

    What if Fallout 3 was only unfaithful in gameplay?

    Abso-fucking-lutely. Mind you, we're not griping about the fact that it's in FPS. We're disillusioned that Fallout 3 has very little Fallouty flavour about it and the fact that it has a more striking resemblance to ES:O (Elder Scrolls: Oblivion) than the Fallout franchise itself. As much as we...
  4. S

    which version to buy?

    I have friends who've acquired it for PS3 and 360. After playing through both a couple of times, I can safely say that the PC version trumps everything else. It has a higher level of immersion and less bugs. Better GFX obviously. The 360 version has a nagging bug which causes the game to...
  5. S

    Where to Store my Loot?

    The irritating part is that [spoiler:95e399262d]you can't defend Lucas Simms even if you wanted to. I killed Burke before he managed to whack Simms but then, Simms continues walking as if nothing happened so I don't get the house nor the key from Simms' son. Eventually I just disarmed the bomb...
  6. S

    Out of energy ammo + I have to fight Super Mutants

    I'm pretty sure I got a heap of Energy Cells in [spoiler:a70200d414]Falls Church Metro, Arlington Memorial and the surrounding buildings by destroying Protectron robots inside them.[/spoiler:a70200d414]
  7. S

    Overseer? (very beginning)

    Of course, just leave him alone even when he starts calling for help. You can [spoiler:07ca82d193]hack his terminal and open his safe[/spoiler:07ca82d193] to open the door leading to the Vault entrance without laying a finger on him. Besides, I'm pretty sure Amata would probably kill herself if...
  8. S

    Running faster at 16 ?

    After extensive experimenting with trial and error, I found that the as with Oblivion and what you've pointed out, three things affect your movement speed - the weapon you've equipped whether holstered or not, the type of armour on you and your Agility attribute. I can see no discernible...
  9. S

    Bug list at the wiki

    Excellent dude. I'm sure we'll be able to find even more bugs, however minute they may be.
  10. S

    what are the most usefull of the 7 main stats in fo3?

    There is no one attribute which governs everything else. It depends entirely on your style of gameplay which I believe is unique to every gamer. Some love a good ol' brawl or gunfight while others prefer to be more covert and inconspicuous. A few others may even shun unnecessary...
  11. S

    Fallout 3. Is it really so bad?

    Let's just say that Fallout 3 belongs to the same rung of the ladder as STALKER: Clear Sky or Spore. Yes, it's entertaining and definitely a great game but it's not keeping me up all night. The fact that I can even tear myself away from the PC and voluntarily stop playing it (which wasn't the...
  12. S

    Should Rename Fallout 3 => Fallout Tactics 2: 1 Man Squad

    Same here. I really don't see how my SPECIAL attributes really affect anything and other than Bloody Mess, Perks don't really make a dent either. Skills? Other than e.g. being unable to open safes etc. with low Lockpicking or lesser health while healing with low Medicine etc., there's no...
  13. S

    Something to think about. A few words about Fallout 3 .

    After carefully reviewing this thread and analyzing the different opinions and arguments, I decided to resist stating my own before proper contemplation. Having said that, I believe this article I came across should speak for itself. It's an interview with Bethesda's VP for Marketing &...
  14. S

    Fallout 3. Is it really so bad?

    I see where you're coming from and I agree but however close to realism it may be, there is not fathomable reason why I don't see cars exploding occasionally when I am not within the vicinity. The cars only seem to violently explode when you're near them which makes it feel horribly scripted...