Recent content by sarsaparilja

  1. S

    Fallout: New Vegas PSM3 scans

    Well, if and when BoS appears I hope their power armors will make them tower over other wastedwellers like venerable paladins they are. No more east coast scrapyard mechanic's take on it, please.
  2. S

    Fallout: New Vegas PC Gamer preview scans

    tinypic to the rescue: Page three First page imageshack = mirelurk.
  3. S

    Fallout: New Vegas PC Gamer preview scans

    True dat. What's next - goggles?
  4. S

    Fallout: New Vegas PC Gamer preview scans

    Second scan is down. Here's superior tinypic link.
  5. S

    Fallout: New Vegas PC Gamer preview scans

    Oh and I hope that bodies will react to hits 'n' shots while they're alive. Or not terminated.
  6. S

    Post-Apocalyptic books

    As I understand, english version will be out in march. There are also three books based on Metro 2033 motifs, part of Glukhovsky's project. And Metro 2034 is free to read online... in Russian.
  7. S

    Fallout: New Vegas PC Gamer preview scans

    Informative article, that. All that about being dead instead L4D didn't sound metaphorically though. Maybe Doc Mitchell runs some clunky Lazarus project on the side and also gives you one of them baggy East Coast Vault suits? Super Mutants are cringeworthy to look upon, however it's clear...