Recent content by Shadowbird

  1. S

    Fallout 2: Shattered Destiny 1.1 Patch

    Any mirrors? The page won't open... Never mind, found the direct link:
  2. S

    Lexx shall shatter thy destiny...

    Don't forget "CoC+Master".
  3. S

    Lexx shall shatter thy destiny...

    Let the bashing begin. After beating the crap out of the COCks I can no longer talk to Bene and since there are no accessible exit grids on the map, I can't even wander around in the desert. When trying to talk to this guy, this happens. And the huge amount of tiny english mistakes (a...
  4. S

    Unofficial Age of Decadence FAQ

    No, I want the box and the manual and everything. It will be the first game I've ever bought. :twisted:
  5. S

    Unofficial Age of Decadence FAQ

    Damn. I'd be willing to pay 50$ for the game even if I didn't like it, just to support the developers for their effort of making such a game. But if the shippings tops another 15$, I'll just have to go with download... :(
  6. S

    New Radiation Warning Logo

    The scull could have actually been OK, had it been implemented properly (no freaky MSWord-spell-checking-underline type arrows). But the Arnold just ruins everything. Probably was only added because otherwise they could be sued by some USA dumbass for "insufficient warning of danger due to...
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    A chance to try out Firefox's Video Downloader extension. Too bad it can only save to flv, have to convert manually. The language is NULL, and I correctly misread the title of the video as "Japanese Sick Commercial".
  8. S

    The true value of Action points?

    Action Points := 5 + (AG / 2) When I started playing Fallout, I also always took 10 AG for 10 AP, but later on I decided that (since both 8 and 9 AG gives 9 AP) it's unwise to waste 2 stat points to get 1 AP, and been using 8 AG since then. I do not believe there is much need for being able to...
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    Bend and Break The Rules

    I don't know... I vaguely remember seeing them in my Tactics, so maybe they are available, just not with the req's the manual says...
  10. S

    Fallout Haiku

    I read the haiku before reading the topic, and my first thought was "Someone proposed a "How Roshambo vatted me [cause I acted like a retard]" topic?"
  11. S

    Do you miss games coming in Boxes?

    The amazing thing is that I really miss games coming in boxes and with manuals, even though I've never even owned one...
  12. S

    Proof that there is a God

    Now that was funny. :D
  13. S

    Proof that there is a God

    Just goes to show that one should not pray to/at/with some man-made crap. I don't see God's irony/attitude/anything, I see people brainwashed into believing a (dangerous) piece of metal will somehow magnify their prayers, which are all going inwards anyway ('cause that's where the God is).
  14. S

    Fallout Haiku

    Blasted aliens Left an alien blaster Gonna blast someone. Someone else pick the next theme.
  15. S

    The Nuclear Source (WARNING - NOT WORKSAFE)

    It only just occured to me that I would unconditionally and automatically open any thread labeled "not work safe". ;)