Recent content by Shaodeus

  1. Shaodeus

    What are your favourite FPS games?

    What are your top ten favourite singleplayer FPS games?
  2. Shaodeus

    What's the most evil thing you can do in Fallout?

    What's the most heinous, horrible, most wicked thing you've ever done in any of the Fallout series?
  3. Shaodeus

    How to make a good Squad based FPS Game

    What elements would you need in a squad based FPS? How would you prevent fellow squad members to get in the way when they're AI controlled? How do you make them useful without them mopping up everything which would remove player agency?
  4. Shaodeus

    Mass Effect Andromeda lackluster dialogue

    I've always wanted Wild West in space :( Here's what Mass Effect should be like
  5. Shaodeus

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    Eh its okay, but never been big on Metallica 6/10
  6. Shaodeus

    Mass Effect Andromeda lackluster dialogue

    Goddamn, the dialogue is way worse then I thought it was going to be. Yep that's how soldiers talk, or people even. These are frog people or some such shit, this is not how humans engage in social interactions Just contrast it with good dialogue, like it should be in Mass Effect Andromeda
  7. Shaodeus

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    This "song" is wank 3/10
  8. Shaodeus

    Mass Effect Andromeda lackluster dialogue

    I want Clarence Boddicker as a squat mate in Mass Effect, and go to space bars to snort space cocaine from the tits of alien hotties together.
  9. Shaodeus

    Mass Effect Andromeda lackluster dialogue

    Jesus dude that looks awful. Bunch of college liberal arts students in space. I wonder how they would react if Mass Effect had conversations like this.
  10. Shaodeus

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    9/10 Doom is the shit and I dig the hellscape type vibe
  11. Shaodeus

    Cyanide's Werewolf: The Apocalypse

    Don't have particularly high hopes for it, never been a fan of werewolf the apocalypse. I'm more into Vampire the Masquerade or Demon the Fallen
  12. Shaodeus

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    8.5/10 going straight to my mp3 player.
  13. Shaodeus

    Mass Effect Andromeda lackluster dialogue

    I just want a character in Mass Effect with this level of natural authority In fact I just want starship troopers the game, I want a game in which you play as a random ass soldier being send to his very probable death in a shitshow. Like in Starship Troopers, game could get some strong...