Recent content by Spazmo

  1. S

    Interplay announces Fallout 3 licensing deal with Bethesda

    Bethesda is crap. Morrowind was one of the worst games I ever played. The combat was terrible. The dialog was non-existent. The quests were silly and uninvolving. The skill system was violently stupid. The game in general wasn't fun. I don't want to go listing developers I think should...
  2. S

    Interplay announces Fallout 3 licensing deal with Bethesda

    This is possibly the worst news I've heard since FOBOS. Actually, it's worse than FOBOS. "Fallout 3 will be developed by Bethesda along with the next chapter of The Elder Scrolls, both under the direction of Todd Howard, executive producer of The Elder Scrolls." I suggest that Todd...
  3. S

    Sean Pings Fo Dev Profile

    It's not like Sean had that much to contribute anyhow. Anything he did have to share about his VB work would be covered by an NDA. Anyways, it was generally funny and it's nice to see SKR has a sense of humour about everything. I personally think he's a competent enough designer based on his...
  4. S

    ATTN: JJ86:

    Needs more drama! Maybe there could be accusations of JJ being a closet communist or something? Here, in an effort to make things more interesting, I'll go on record and say The Order are a bunch of pansies and also clearly are representative of NMA at large! Ha! Ha! Ha, I say! Ha!
  5. S

    Cannibal Poll 1

    Hey Welsh... are you secretly Sean K. Reynolds or something? Do you both attend the same Boyfriends of Batshit Insane Women Anonymous meetings?
  6. S

    Carsten Strehse of SSE talks about the Fall and Fallout 3

    There's a very good reason why what Strehsen says sounds so dubious: he's full of shit. There's no way his company is actually going to buy Fallout. This whole thing is just a publicity stunt to get disappointed Fallout fans to buy his game The Fall. So next time you see Carsten Strehse in the...
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    Infinite NPC party members mod?

    Hey, could we get a screen of you and your big 'ol army roaming through the wastes, please?
  8. S

    Using S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system

    Most of SPECIAL is in the manual. A good interpretation of it is here.
  9. S

    Fallout 1 and Windows XP

    Just as I though. They're the freaks.
  10. S

    Infinite NPC party members mod?

    Game balance is important the first time around when you're playing for challenge and discovery. When it's the nth time and you're experimenting, balance can jump out a window.
  11. S

    Ending Video Problem

    That happens to me, too. It's one of the foibles of FO on newer machines. It does that on the death screen, too. Try running the game in compatability mode.
  12. S

    Check this out!

    This is a bad movie.
  13. S

    Fallout 1 and Windows XP

    Wait a minute--I'm not asking for help here. I know that most people can't install FO1 on XP and thus need to manually copy the .DATs in order to play. But I don't. Just the other day, I installed FO1 from the CD on my Win XP machine, humungous install, with no trouble whatsoever. The autorun...
  14. S

    Play on after ending

    It is possible. At the end of Fallout, when the Overseer tells you to leave, there is afterwards a short period in which you see yourself in the cave outside V13 and the Overseer walking back in. This sequence was created so that Bloody Mess characters would get a chance to pull out a handgun...
  15. S

    Tim Cain feature on Avault..

    By the way, the aforementioned IB Nobody has taken the AVault thread and included its information into the UberFAQ. He has also taken the thread itself and put it here.