Recent content by StopSigntheVendingMachine

  1. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Fallout: Nuevo Mexico

    God fucking dammit. So the project was canned because of one guy going on a power trip. Here's to another Fallout game we'll never see:
  2. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Fallout: Nuevo Mexico

    Why? Maybe that one guy was right (forgot who); all the idea guys of the fandom should pool together and work on a single game-sized mod at a time. Or maybe we should implement a "Rule of Two" law for total conversions.
  3. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Dutch Ghost final post

    It's always fun to read your Fallout: Texas fanfic and your summary of a shared 80s' movie(s) universe.
  4. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Merry Christmas 2023

    what the fuck? lol Listening to this and the other songs while watching the Time Square ball drop.
  5. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Merry Christmas 2023

    New Year's Eve 2023 ('24?) Didn't realize today was New Year's Eve until about 2 hours ago. I might as well celebrate with some music. It's just today seems like any other day.
  6. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    Can't wait to see which companions made it to the final cut.:ok:
  7. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    New release? Entire main quest? Does that mean the project is finished or the side quests & activities aren't complete yet?
  8. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    Hold on to your lootboxes:
  9. StopSigntheVendingMachine


  10. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    When will Left 4 Dead get a 3?

    When will Left 4 Dead get a 3?
  11. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    First Jagged Alliance, then Pay Day, then Baldur's Gate, Little Monsters, and now Killing Floor...

    First Jagged Alliance, then Pay Day, then Baldur's Gate, Little Monsters, and now Killing Floor. Goddammit, I'm jealous.