Recent content by TheChosen1

  1. TheChosen1

    Fallout 2 mod Getting ready for Fallout Sonora translation

    If the Nevada translation project taught me anything, it's that there's a lot to translate. Definitely not something I'd recommend taking on by yourself if you value your own sanity.
  2. TheChosen1

    Fallout 2 mod Getting ready for Fallout Sonora translation

    Can confirm, bugs are aplenty. Nothing that completely broke my game yet, but a few came pretty close.
  3. TheChosen1

    Fallout 2 mod Getting ready for Fallout Sonora translation

    I'm still not dead and happy to help.
  4. TheChosen1

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Been playing Space Hulk: Deathwing recently. The map design is gorgeous, just wish there were more locations to crush bugs in. If only the game wasn't dropped by the devs almost immediately with no possibility for community-made content.
  5. TheChosen1

    Fallout 76 Patch Notes – December 11, 2018 - OMG this is hilarious

    That's how their games already operate. You buy their product and then modify it into something better with content made by people working for free. Now you'll be buying the game and making it with content bought from Bethsoft through microtransactions.
  6. TheChosen1

    Fallout 76 Patch Notes – December 11, 2018 - OMG this is hilarious

    Fallout: 1488 - Use the A.T.O.M. store to build your very own Fallout game from the bottom up!
  7. TheChosen1

    Fallout 76 Patch Notes – December 11, 2018 - OMG this is hilarious

    So, when's the patch that takes the game off the market?
  8. TheChosen1

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    I'll give that a solid 9/10
  9. TheChosen1

    Is NMA wrong about Fallout?

    I will not confirm or deny anything ;-)
  10. TheChosen1

    Is NMA wrong about Fallout?

    Everyone I know edits in Sony Vegas, so that's literally the only thing I can suggest using :V
  11. TheChosen1

    Is NMA wrong about Fallout?

    Unfortunately, no. One day, I might have time to learn video editing. Until then, I'm just pulling sources (which is also why I couldn't just get an english version)
  12. TheChosen1

    Is NMA wrong about Fallout?

    Close. "Where are the dialogues, Todd? Where are the original dialogues, faggot, huh?"
  13. TheChosen1

    Is NMA wrong about Fallout?

    Hate is beautiful in its every form - every drop is teeming with potential.
  14. TheChosen1

    Is NMA wrong about Fallout?

    But posting hate too often will make you blind and turn your palms hairy.
  15. TheChosen1

    Is NMA wrong about Fallout?

    I should, yeah. In the meantime, I internalise my hate, bottle it up, let it brew around before coming here to bust it over this forum.