Recent content by TheGreatCornholio

  1. TheGreatCornholio

    Josh Sawyer speaks about a possible future Fallout

    I think at this point Bethesda needs Obsidian to make the next game. FO 4 was a dud and it only sold because of the success of 3 and NV. Even the FO 3 fanboys know its bad. Bethesda needs the next game in the series to be solid or they risk tarnishing the brand forever in the eyes of the...
  2. TheGreatCornholio

    Even after Fallout 4, many fans still asking for an Obsidian developed Fallout

    Just conjecture here but perhaps Bethesda will be inclined to sell the rights to fallout before they kill its value with lackluster games. Lets face it they are not exactly making the most of the IP as it is, it took them 7 years to make the sequel to a GOTY, that turnaround time is way too...
  3. TheGreatCornholio

    Whats the backstory of your New Vegas Courier?

    I always start my couriers as average dudes just trying to make an honest living before being shot in the head
  4. TheGreatCornholio

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Just play with it and see what is comfortable because the recoil isnt bad on those rifles and shouldn't be causing any pain
  5. TheGreatCornholio

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    This Shooting an ak 74 is on par with a AR 15 you should be able to shoot it all day with no problem
  6. TheGreatCornholio

    The failures of Fallout 4 as an RPG

    The original Mass effect was alot closer to being an RPG than 2 was im not sure why 2 would be the one in the poll
  7. TheGreatCornholio

    Why FO4 may be liked by intelligent people

    Fallout shelter was just a cash grab to take advantage of the anticipation for fallout 4. "We're releasing fallout 4 in 6 months but in the meantime heres this"
  8. TheGreatCornholio

    Why FO4 may be liked by intelligent people

    Sometimes people like to turn off their brains and just have fun. I do it with movies
  9. TheGreatCornholio

    Can we all agree Bethesda did power armor right?

    They had the right idea but imperfect execution Fusion cores should last longer and be much more difficult to get. PA was designed for warfare and in a firefight its not practical to exit the suit and replace the fusion core every 20 minutes
  10. TheGreatCornholio

    After the ending... What is there to do?

    Not for me, im on Playstation Yes I acknowledge that PC is superior I have my reasons for having a console
  11. TheGreatCornholio

    After the ending... What is there to do?

    Nothing, I just dont think ill be able to bring myself to play it again until then
  12. TheGreatCornholio

    After the ending... What is there to do?

    I generally get sucked in to the main story and finish it before I have done alot of side quests and exploration. I get around to it on the 2nd playthrough but I dont think fallout 4 is getting a second playthrough until 2017
  13. TheGreatCornholio

    So in the end, what was even the point of the Synths?

    When you beat the game with BOS they present you with the synth version of your son. So I guess the sappy ending is a reason for synths to be there Nevermind that you just consigned your real son to death and this one is considered an abomination by the BOS
  14. TheGreatCornholio

    What was the point of Fallout 4's story?

    I liked the idea of a citizen soldier militia but it gets silly when its one surviving member makes you the leader 10 minutes after meeting and then proceeds to give you orders
  15. TheGreatCornholio

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I agree with the recoil pad suggestion, you will be able to shoot that 74 all day without feeling anything. You can get them pretty cheap from Amazon or Walmart. Im getting one for my Mosin Nagant, that god damn thing kills me after 5 shots.