Recent content by TheodoreRoosevelt

  1. T


    well i'm pretty sure No Mans Sky has no space combat in it. Its more of a Space-Exploration type game. i could be wrong though. You go around collecting resources, and mining space minerals. which has its appeal. but i need a little bit more stuff to do then that. Space Battles are going to be...
  2. T


    Starfield looks pretty good honestly. I'm very much excited about the ship-building and the other features bethesda included in the game that has to do with living a space simulation life in space on some faraway planet. Like owning a house on a moon for example but having to pay a mortgage for...
  3. T


    I'm going to get it, but i won't preorder the game. As i don't like preordering games before they come out. I know people say they do preorders to judge demand of a game before it actually releases but still i don't like preordering something that hasn't released yet. Honestly the game seems...
  4. T

    Why do people hate Old World Blues?

    i never understood why people complained about the speakers or radios or whatever in Dead Money. they were hardly a problem too my 12 year old brain at the time. and hardly a problem still too this day for me. Its like some of these people do not pay attention to their surroundings. Granted...
  5. T

    Nexus Mods has banned a mod and it's creator for swapping out LGBT flags from Spider-Man Remastered.

    i probably have a dozen nexusmods accounts because i keep forgetting my password. lmao.
  6. T

    Most hated/annoying modding tropes?

    i hated War Trash honestly. felt tacky and cliche and just gross. New Vegas Bounties i liked, but only because i felt the theme of hunting bounties fit in the world of New Vegas. If it was done even better i would of enjoyed it even more and probably had it regularly installed as a mod instead...
  7. T


    well they just shared a gameplay at the xbox-bethesda showcase. looked kind of like The Outer Worlds and No Man Sky honestly probably. but all we seen so far is fighting space pirates or potentially the Constellation group that you meet afterwards if you join the space pirates instead. We...
  8. T

    Here's a Fallout game I've been coming up with.

    i did a similar thing when i was 11 though it was a Microsoft Word document not a google doc. Some of the features that i wanted too see when i was 11 in a modern fallout game came true in Fallout 4. lmao. The only thing that didn't was the location. Which i set it in New York state though i...
  9. T

    Game Idea/Fanfic Idea Fallout: Working Title

    my idea was that the "main story" would be entirely different from the story about finding your lost friend got himself captured. though it seems like it would be the main story regardless. that is why i kind of justified as DLC for a Game Idea because it wouldn't be the main story arc, just one...
  10. T

    Game Idea/Fanfic Idea Fallout: Working Title

    So i had this idea, (comes from another idea that i saw on reddit) for a Fanfic or even just a Game Idea. It goes like this: You and your friend are both very wealthy in the pre-war world. Your friend is throwing a party with various other people business leaders, actors, actresses, and...
  11. T

    Fallout 5 Predictions

    The main protagonist will be Florida Man, it will be set in Florida.
  12. T

    Why do think there aren't any Fallout novels?

    was the the Greg Keyes books written with bethesda's permission i wonder at first anyway? I'm sure if there's an author out there who wants to write their own sort of novel on Fallout i'm sure bethesda would allow it to be published/made but they probably have to be well - established. i guess...
  13. T

    Will in ten years Fallout still be relevant as a series?

    their trailer mocking other trailers with the outer worlds 2 didn't really help their case.
  14. T

    Will in ten years Fallout still be relevant as a series?

    yes. i think bethesda for the most part has done a good job at keeping the Fallout brand relevant even if they have made some sacrifices in lore and gameplay style to widen the target audience. Though i don't think it will ever be as relevant as Skyrim. which has gone on to sell 30+ million...