Recent content by TrueToCaesar

  1. TrueToCaesar

    Most Hated Fallout Character

    F1: Overseer Jacoren Ian Set The entire Brotherhood of Steel Gizmo F2: Myron Bishops That damn radscorpion who always beats me in chess Metzger Those kids who rob you Everyone in San Francisco Lynette F3: Everyone except John Henry Eden and Fawkes is okay I guess New Vegas: Kimball Oliver...
  2. TrueToCaesar

    Which is The worst quest in Fallout 4?

    Kid in a Fridge. One of the devs (dont remember who) said it was supposed to be similar to a Wild Wasteland event and it just ended up being a lore contradictory piece of shit.
  3. TrueToCaesar

    What Pisses You Off?

    What pisses me off is the Enclave being the main villain in two games and you can't join them in either game despite you being a prime candidate.
  4. TrueToCaesar

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hello everyone! New user but I’ve lurked here for about a year or two. Unfortunately started the series with Fallout 4 then 3, but after those I played New Vegas and the originals (still working through Tactics) and greatly preferred those 4 to the Bethesda entries. My order of favorite games is...