Recent content by Tycn

  1. T

    Mount & Blade: Warband

    Looks really interesting but I don't have access to the beta since I don't own the original. Probably going to pick it up on release.
  2. T

    Favourite Genre

    cRPG with just about everything else tied second. Except for JRPGs which I can't stand and sports games which I've never felt a desire to play.
  3. T

    Mass Effect 2

    They're Bioware, the legendary RPG developer that pushes the genre forward with each successive title. What does it matter that lesser developers have done something similar? Does 'specialising in RPGs' excuse them for using the same structure for every game? After the intro, you are whisked...
  4. T

    Aliens Vs. Predator (the 2010 fps, not the old one)...

    Walking makes you invisible to the motion sensor. I know, it's silly. CoD has no learning curve. It's pretty much Baby's First FPS™.
  5. T

    Dragon Age or Mass Effect 2?

    Mass Effect 2 if you're like me and can't disassociate Dragon Age with BG2 which will inevitably lead to disappointment.
  6. T

    Fallout 3 mods on the Xbox

    Integrated Geforce 9200 would get annihilated by Fallout 3, you'd have to fork out another ~$100 for a decent card. Might as well build it yourself (or get a friend to do it) if you want value.
  7. T

    Mass Effect 2

    Sounds like there is much fun to be had convincing chaotic evil edgy bitch to become lawful good paladin. [Paragon] "Killing people is wrong!" "Okay." Eyenixon; wow. You are a true artisan.
  8. T

    Mass Effect 2

    I don't know why, but the whole plot device of [spoiler:dfeb0ab87f]a race of sentient machines that regularly purge the universe of life somehow resonated with me. I thought it made sense that they would want to methodically genocide the entire universe to prevent the organics from evolving and...
  9. T

    V:TM - Bloodlines

    I could only get past the latter half using gratuitous cheesing (against the 3 headed things running back until their pathfinding dies) and later on /noclip /notarget. I initially tried to play a non combat character as well, but even after pumping firearms to max I couldn't stand it. The ending...
  10. T

    Brother None counts down his favourite games

    Favourite doesn't mean best. There are plenty of decent to mediocre games that I enjoyed more than good ones. Depth does not always equate to 'fun' even when you can appreciate its intricacy, Pathologic being good example of this.
  11. T

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 [shaking news and rumors!]

    Or 10+ year old PC games offline, even.
  12. T

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Shadow of Chernobyl

    Same. The vanilla hit deviation is totally random at longer ranges and makes it a lot less fun. STALKER is like Oblivion in that there's no reason to play without mods. I haven't tried LURK but it doesn't seem like a real contender for OL.
  13. T

    Does Planescape Torment work well on Windows Vista?

    Or pressing escape. It's also common to see character animations running backwards, turn on software mirroring to under graphics options to fix this.
  14. T

    Dragon Age? What the hell happened to you?

    Having different tastes or higher standards is being fucking retarded? Kay. Also being disappointed and liking the game are not mutually exclusive. It's quite rare for any AAA game to fail to be disappointing.
  15. T

    Dragon Age? What the hell happened to you?

    Seems to be a lot of people having problems, though I have only encountered a single crash and no bugs. There is a patch (1.01a) that addresses a few minor things. Such as making the game slightly easier.