Recent content by TyloniusFunk

  1. T

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    I remain cautiously optimistic, but lets face it, Fallout peaked 1999. Let's all move on to something better.
  2. T


    Just curious if anyone over here as heard anything about bitcoin?
  3. T

    US slams 'criminals' behind WikiLeaks

    Ascendant Meek Wikileaks is assuming a role long vacant: oversight of the ethics of power. However, it doesn't have the faculties or resources to do it properly and that is dangerous. It does have potential if supported by We, The People. The Media, with it's last, dying-with-print breath, may...
  4. T

    @ Hardcore Fallout 1&2 Fan

    NV is much closer to the mark than FO3. The writting is an order of magnitude better. That being said, I don't think it's possible for a game to recapture what Fallout ment for video games in the late 90s. Over a decade later and NV is struggling to keep up with the originals. We should be leaps...
  5. T

    Deepwater Horizon/BP Oil Spill

    The disperssant has basically shielded BP from trillions in damages. Instead of hitting the beaches (and BP) now, the "disappeared" dispersant and oil will jack the rate of chronic disease region wide for generations to come. Corporate Plutocracy.
  6. T

    Escape from New York gets new lease on life

    Target demographics Since target demographics are 18-25 and R rated movies aren't generally seen by those younger than 15, you have to remake R rated movies at least every 10 years. You have to.
  7. T

    Chris Avellone talks Fallout 3

    Time in FO1/2 For me, the debate about travel is really getting at something else: a grand, overarching sense of scale. In FO1/2 you had a time sensitive mission from the outset and the time passed quickly enough on the world map so that you always felt just a little bit rushed. Every time you...
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    Chris Avellone talks Fallout 3

    <blockquote>I didn't think I would like Liberty Prime, but the Iron Giant aspect worked for me and made me do a 180.</blockquote> This requires more support. Where's the innocent child teaching Liberty Prime to use his powers for peace?
  9. T

    OXM Podcast interviews Pete Hines on Fallout: New Vegas

    Vats. Trolling. My favorite part is where he provides a counter rationale for going to Obsidian: haphazardly throwing a prized franchise around the development market is a great get-rich-quick scheme the likes of which the world hasn't seen since the bond carry trade. ...and this...
  10. T

    PSM praises writing of Fallout: New Vegas

    This topic is dumb, you are all dumb- Of course they will say the writing is improved, it was the main point of criticism amongst longstanding series fans. The franchise is under development. That was the point of giving development to a studio known for writing. The writing awards for...
  11. T

    Interplay rejects our reality and substitutes its own

    Yeah, he's out there spinning this one like a mother fucker right now, that's for sure. Anyone know exactly what happened to the 6 million from Beth? Old bills? Did they consider hiring lawyers? Why would a professional executive accept what appears to be a terrible contract? Did Herve really...
  12. T

    A windows calculator that can do everything?

    You are aware of the View -> Scientific functionality of Windows Calculator already? If so, you could also try a TI-89 emulator Beyond that, you're looking at Mathematica,
  13. T

    Interplay done for, Bethesda sues, Defonten creates

    All Beths creative talent is in Legal!
  14. T


    Deadwood >>> All. Seriously, this is the closest thing to Shakespeare in a popular medium. Sopranos is also good, yes, but not Shakespeare. Oz is solid, but often seems self indulgent. Rome fell short I think, and not just due to the confusing time advancement. I concur on Dexter Season 1, but...
  15. T

    WHEN ZOMBIES ATTACK! ... a mathimatical modell

    Lol... /agree Zombies are a useful trope for criticizing modern culture. I could go on at length making a post modern post about the misuse/abuse of zombies in popular media as criticism of our cultural weaknesses, but I doubt it would be worth my time (or yours). OP- distilling zombies...