Recent content by Wild_qwerty

  1. Wild_qwerty

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    Awesome stuff guys, I'm so happy to see this project it still moving along.
  2. Wild_qwerty

    Mutants Rising team needs help with scripting. Apply!

    I'm very tempted to sign up (again). What kind of scripting? Dialogues were one of the main ones back in the day.
  3. Wild_qwerty

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    Listen up kiddo's while grandpa tells you a story.... I was a student back in 97/98 and was in a local games shop and was looking at the Fallout 1 box (back when PC games came in large cardboard boxs). I just looked at the pictures of this isometric game with guns and wrongfully assumed the...
  4. Wild_qwerty

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hello, I'm ancient and found my old NMA account. Awesome to see this community still going. I really should stop by more often, it's been seven years since my last post :)
  5. Wild_qwerty

    Fallout 1/2 leave Steam, Bethesda working to get them back on it fast

    Okay, I'm trying to remember ancient history here but there will be some complications about changing the spinning logo. This is because the movies were made in *.MVE format, the MVE format as far as I'm aware was Interplay property so Beth couldn't really create a new MVE video without...
  6. Wild_qwerty

    Mutants Rising Demo Released

    Good work guys, glad to see everyone is liking this.
  7. Wild_qwerty

    Mutants Rising Easter 2011 press release

    ohh... Just say 'rocket science' so the rest of us can understand you :)
  8. Wild_qwerty

    Mutants Rising Easter 2011 press release

    Did you finally finish university Chris? This mod is probably one of the only surviving original mods from years back, I'm kind of bummed I'm not really a memeber now days (was single when I joined, now married with kids, so dont have much time. maybe this mod has been in the works for a long...
  9. Wild_qwerty

    Mutants Rising: September Update

    Duke nukem forever is apparently going to be released one, I'll believe it when I see it... MR on the other hand was looking pretty good last time I dropped by the forums, not that I'm active on the mod anymore. Trouble is that there are too many good ideas that need to be implemented which...
  10. Wild_qwerty

    Where can I find fire animation?

    Yep, which I why I made them ages ago :) I rewrote the list for the new attack types. So you can have a burst attack pistol, just download this FRM pack
  11. Wild_qwerty


    Darken it up a little bit, remeber that by the time you make the sprite ingame at low resolution and 256 colour most details are lost, id make the body a little smaller in relation to the arms. You need to render it with anti-alaising on for the internal parts of the image bu off for the...
  12. Wild_qwerty

    Where can I find fire animation?

    There's an idex of the FRMs here: I've got a more accurate lsit of the critter animations aroudn somewhere, I'll see if I can dig it up ########### #PREFIXTAG# ########### HA = HERO ANDROGENOUS HM...
  13. Wild_qwerty

    Fan Made Fallout Officially DBA

    dont worry once MR is finished Chris Parks will finish FMF next :)
  14. Wild_qwerty

    Three more The Pitt screenshots

    Yes, they must have been very desparate for ideas to steal my work, but with the global credit crisis no one can afford to buy ideas anymore, yes indead times are lean at bethsadia Pete is now only allowed one twinkee for lunch instead of the usual five, but he just eats Tim's lunch now (which...
  15. Wild_qwerty

    Three more The Pitt screenshots

    Beth stole the Trog from Mutants Rising :shock: Not only is it a similar looking sort of critter, it's got the same name as the one I made for MR :? *EDIT* Then they destroyed our forums server to remove the evidence, well @#$% them I've got backups :lol: