Recent content by Yazman

  1. Yazman

    Fallout Shelter out now on Android

    I don't even remotely agree. "hiking simulation" can happen just as much with any camera angle. FPS doesn't mean open world. There's plenty of first person RPGs that aren't open world, but are just composed of points of interest with travel between them skipped. Deus Ex & Vampire The Masquerade...
  2. Yazman

    Fallout Shelter out now on Android

    Black Isle didn't really have the guts either. Fallout & Fallout 2 didn't allow childkilling in the version most of the world got. I remember having to mod my game just to be able to, just like in Fallout 3 and FNV. Some fuckin' camera angle isn't what makes a 'real fallout' a real fallout...
  3. Yazman

    Quakecon 2015: Fallout 4 details

    Yeah, they're such fucking assholes for having books that can actually be opened and read, adding more options for modders as well, instead of just having useless books with nothing but a one-line description. Yeah, because romance in Fallout 2 was so much deeper and more complex. I mean it...
  4. Yazman

    Bethesda has uploaded raw videos from E3

    Funny you bring up Washington DC. I didn't think F3 was all that great but I remember all the people here who fucking hated it never-endingly bitching about how the world looked in F3 because "they should've rebuilt by now." Now that F4 shows signs of reconstruction you're complaining that it's...
  5. Yazman

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links

    How the hell is that a bad thing? Fallout 3 has some good points, but the supermutant behemoth was not one of them. It was fucking stupid - supermuties should never be that big. That they shrunk it is a great thing.
  6. Yazman

    More Fallout 4 rumoring from Kotaku

    Really? you ACTUALLY don't think that the Enclave, an organisation that was initially founded by the US government and thereafter comprised of its descendants - one that claims to BE the US government - wouldn't have some sort of presence in the nation's capital? I agree the BOS and Supermutants...
  7. Yazman

    Kotaku Ranks The Fallouts

    My ranking is this: Fallout 2 - Fallout: New Vegas - Fallout - Fallout 3 - Fallout: Tactics. I really, really couldn't stand Tactics. For me personally it is by far the worst, although I never played (nor did I ever want to play) BOS or BOS2. While I love Fallout's story, it's just...
  8. Yazman

    Setting Fallout 4 Part 2 (of 2) – On The Road Again!

    Why are y'all so hostile to having a Fallout game in Louisiana? I don't understand the hostility. We're not talking about something made by Bethesda here. We're talking about something that's just an IDEA, and even if the idea as written in the article may not sound great to you, there is a...
  9. Yazman

    Bethesda going to be as mindful as Obsidian with Fallout 4?

    Bottlecaps seems like a pretty logical thing to use, even if in F1 it originated with the Hub it doesn't mean that all usage of bottlecaps as currency everywhere in the post-apocalyptic world did. As we know from real-world anthropology, similar ideas and trends have at many points sprung up...
  10. Yazman

    Bethesda gets FOOL rights, Interplay gets $2 million

    Exactly! It's a stupid idea in the first place. Not to mention how disgustingly watered down it would be as an MMO. A regular Fallout game with some sort of multiplayer functionality I could handle (like VB was planned to have) but an MMO would just water it down to a WOW style grindfest, it...
  11. Yazman

    Bethesda gets FOOL rights, Interplay gets $2 million

    The vast majority of the "makers of the original Fallout" do not even work for Interplay, that's not a fact by any means.
  12. Yazman

    Bethesda gets FOOL rights, Interplay gets $2 million

    Yeah why do people still think Bethesda only had the rights to 3 games? That arrangement ended literally YEARS ago when Bethesda bought the total rights to the series. Bethesda have owned Fallout in full for years, there's nothing Interplay could possibly do to ever get them back. That's...
  13. Yazman

    Bethesda gets FOOL rights, Interplay gets $2 million

    It amazes me that there's still people who are defensive of Interplay and who have any faith at all in them, after all they've done to destroy everything that is Fallout. Interplay are worse for Fallout than Bethesda could ever be, they've proven that time and again, from FOBOS, to their...
  14. Yazman

    Bethesda gets FOOL rights, Interplay gets $2 million

    So sick and fucking tired of Interplay. I used to love them back in the days they were putting out Black Isle stuff, Fallout and Fallout 2, PST, and a whole range of amazing stuff. But ever since they began the slide downhill, destroying everything that is Fallout, putting out FOBOS and...
  15. Yazman

    FOOL settlement confirmed

    To be quite honest, I am actually kind of hoping this Fallout MMO gets killed, for two reasons: a) The idea of a Fallout MMO is abhorrent to me. I don't want to see Fallout reduced to some stupid fucking grindy raidfest. b) I want Interplay to fucking die already after all they did to...