Recent content by Zante

  1. Z

    Fallout 2 mod Getting ready for Fallout Sonora translation

    anyone have the google translated files looked everywhere on the internet noone seams to share them if possible can anyone share them if they have them would be awesome for now at least? EDIt for 1.10c sonora ofcourse
  2. Z

    Fallout 2 mod Getting ready for Fallout Sonora translation

    is this project dead since is havent been any updates in the discord since 1 year back ? just wonder ?
  3. Z

    Fallout 2 mod Olympus 2207 (english translation)

    peeps english translated mod out now thx everybody involved in this special thx to keyboard gecko for translating it :D
  4. Z

    Fallout 2 mod Olympus 2207 (english translation)

    thx for reply was just kinda confused witch wone was going to be translated all good ill be waiting playing some nevada :)
  5. Z

    Fallout 2 mod Olympus 2207 (english translation)

    gecko saw on olympys home site the updated it now also they updated the olympus to game version 1.2 but cant still see any sign of any english translastion was it the olympys 2077 that was going to be translated or was it the new one olympus 2249 that are in deplovment atm ?